Chapter 9

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After I came back to our room, I couldn’t help but think about what happened in his office. Why did he told me the truth? It scared me thinking that he will do something to me. That something is obviously satisfying his needs. What if he had said that he is my husband so he have the right? At that moment I was only thinking about these things. That's why I got so scared and as a result I panicked.

Thankfully he wasn’t thinking of doing any of those negative things. He even assured me that he won't touch me without my permission. I think he is not that bad. Should I forgive him? He did apologized to me for what he did. He also helped me today though it's his duty to do so as my husband. But then again he is a nice person and a good husband that's why he helped me instead of leaving me alone.

I'm still not sure if he will be a good husband or not after how he behaved with me at first. I can hope that maybe from now on he will be a good husband. Maybe he won't hurt me again. Ugh I should stop thinking about it. Allah is here for me, He will help me and guide me. I trust Allah and that Allah will do whatever is good for me. If Ahren is not good for me then Allah will keep me away from him. I can only pray not to get hurt again and pray for Ahren to be a good husband.

At first I was frustrated with everything but now that I'm thinking about everything, I can't keep on hating Ahren at least not when he is slowly starting to be nice. My maa told me that marriage is not a joke. Even I believe that. If I keep hating him then our marriage won't work. To be honest I don't want a divorce cause people will say shit about my parents and me cause I'm a girl. Already people gossip a lot about me because of what happened. I don't want to give them another chance to gossip.

I will try to make things work between me and Ahren only if he co-operate with me. He have to treat me nicely in order for me to be nice with him. But obviously as I said I will test him to see if he actually changed or he is just pretending. That means I will try to piss him off to see if he will get angry with me and hurt me like how he did that day.

“What are you thinking so hard?” I snapped back to reality by maa's voice. I looked at the doorway to see her standing there. “Maa come inside.” I said as I stood up from the bed. She came inside then sat on the bed and made me sit too beside her. “Is Ahren treating you nicely?” I was taken aback by this sudden question. “Yes. Why?” I lied cause I'm a little bit afraid that what if Ahren gets angry like before?

Maa laughed at my answer making me confused. “Ahren already told me that he made a mistake. He have hurt you.” I froze in my place. He told his maa the truth? How could he? I mean he was supposed to hide this from his maa right? “I scolded him already. But why are you defending him?” I have no answer for her question. I don't know myself why I did that.

Maa held my both hands, looking at me lovingly. She is looking at me like how my maa looks at me. Suddenly I'm missing my maa. “Ahren have anger issues. Before you two got married I told him that he might end up hurting you because of this. He had promised me that he wouldn't yet he did.” His maa thought about me even before our marriage? That's so thoughtful of her.

“He had hurt your wrists, didn’t he?” I nodded my head unable to say anything. “Your neck- did he do that?” Maa asked hesitantly as if she is afraid to know the answer. “No! Someone else did it.” I blurted out the truth while trying to defend Ahren. Maa asked me who did it but I couldn’t bring myself to answer her. What should I say? How can I tell her about it? I'm afraid that she will judge me. “It's okay if you don't want to tell me. But make sure to tell Ahren so that he can help you, okay?” Once again I nodded my head.

It was silence for few minutes. None of us spoke but I didn’t mind the silence. “Give him one chance.” I looked at maa who is looking back at me. “He said he won't hurt you again so five him one chance. If he again hurts you then you can do whatever you want to do. And Ahren didn’t told me to tell you all these. I'm saying these on my own as his maa. He only told me what he did and that he is sorry for it but he don't know how to make it up to you. So he asked me what he should do.” The last statement made a smile appear on my face thinking that he cares enough for me to the point he didn’t hesitate to tell the truth to his maa and went to her for help to make it up to me.

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