Chapter 16

413 14 7

Y/n's POV

It's been 20 mins since Doctor is checking on Jun, Police came and arrested Leena, everyone is tensed and I'm consoling Jungkook right now, he needs me more, he is still in my arm sobbing lightly and blaming himself. It's heartbreaking hearing him cursing himself again and again repeatedly, Oppa tried his best but he is not listening to anyone, so I'm just letting him cry his heart out and waiting for Doctor to come out quickly with a positive news! God please show some mercy to us!! Doctor finally came so we all went towards him.

Jungkook: H-how's my son doctor?

Doctor: See Mr. Jeon, things are getting serious now, I know your are giving your best, but now you will have to take extra care for your son, his mental is affected a lot and he definitely needs you and a mother figure for him. Please make a wise action because it's necessary now. I hope you are understanding what I'm trying to convey. I will take my leave now, Medicines are not required for now, only love and care is must for him, take a good care of him and yours as well.

Me: Thank you so much doctor! 

Whole time Jungkook was looking down and I can tell from his facial expressions that he might be cursing and blaming himself only. I patted his shoulders and he looked up to me, red teary eyes, red nose, reddish pink cheeks and a small pout on his face, and THAT'S IT.... I have made my decision now and nobody can change it.

Me: Jungkook! (She took a deep breath before continuing) I am ready! I'm ready to become the motherly figure Jun needs. I'm ready and determined as well to be there for him even if he needs me or not. Don't try to think I'm doing this out of pity or else I will make sure my pink slippers will directly land on your beautiful face okaiee. (Jungkook chuckled in response which made her smile as well, including Tae, Mrs. Han and Yeon.)

Jungkook: Thank you so so so mu--- (He stopped continuing being after she threw her deadly glares, just like their first meeting :))

Me: How many times I'm going to repeat that never ever say thank you to me!! Gosh-- Jungkook your brain is so small, how can you be soo bad huuh!! Jungkookkk this is super duper wrongg!! I don't like thisss-------(this time he shut her up by putting his hand on her lips, and this made other awe on them)

Mrs. Han: Wow! So Romantic~ (She said making them realize what they are actually doing)

Me: I....

Jungkook: Y/n talks too much th-that's why I did that t-there is nothing like that--

Tae: Let's check Jun first! (He said cutting Jungkook off)

Y/n: Y-yeah

Time skip

Right now we are waiting for Jun to wake up doctor has said he will be conscious in some time, Jungkook is sitting besides him and I'm standing besides him with Oppa, Yeon is helping Mrs. Han in making Jun's favorite food. Soon I felt him opening his eyes. I sighed in relief.

Jungkook: J-Jun, baby are you fine hm? (Jun nodded silently and opened his small hands gesturing Jungkook to hug him, which he gladly accepted with a big smile on his face) Oh my boy~ you scared your appa and everyone my baby.

Jun: I want to be with you, d-don't leave m-me appa. (He said in tiny as if there is no strength left in his body to cry or pled)

Jungkook: Your Appa will never ever leave you okay don't think like that. You are my lifeline without you I'm nothing, You are the only reason who gave me this beautiful identity of DAD. For you I can do anything.... I just want you to be healthy and happy as soon as possible. I am sorry Jun, I'm seriously sorry. No- Let me finish first! You health is affected by me, I failed as a father, a father figure protects his child from any danger and here I, being a father figure throwed you in this danger. But now I'm ready to solve every problem I created, the emotional pain I indirectly gave you I will make sure that it will convert into a very good memory. I promise you with my whole heart Jun. Just trust your Appa this time. I know you when you first trusted me I did made so many promises at that time too but I failed to keep them. I.... Jun! Just remember your Appa Loves you the most!! Just don't leave me, You are the best thing that happened to me in that accident when I was going to take the big step in my life but you came there as a blessing to me. I...... *Sigh* I will become the best Appa you choose when you were only 2 years old. Don't forget you are the most important to me.

//Jungkook's speech does made both Y/n and Tae confused a little bit but they decided to stay silent, but Jun understood his father every words, Y/n's mind was filled with so many question, but the main and important was this that Who is the mother of Jun? nd is there something more she should know about their relationship that she does not have any clue of?? Why Jungkook has never mentioned the name of his wife?? Things are not just simple as they are looking :)//

Jun: I understood Appa, and I love you too.... umm.. about my w-wish.. it's okay if you don't---

Y/n: NO- I mean, Jun I'm ready to be your mother, I'm also sorry for not being able to understand your problem deeply. I willl give my 1000000% I swear and if ever you felt like I'm not being able to give you the motherly love feel free to talk with us, to talk with your appa! I Love youuu remember that okiee~

 Now let's forget that bad part of our life and have a fresh start..okieeeeeee (she said cheerfully changing the gloomy environment into enthusiastic one)

Tae: Okayyy soo let's celebrate Jun's birthdayyy againnn~~ with his Appa and Eomma! (Y/n looked at his brother with shocked expression but he just passed a wink to her and she knew that his brother is happy with her decision)

Jun: Yeeesss!!! I lobeee youuu bothhh sooo muchhhh~ and you tooo Hyunggg (He hugged both Jungkook and Y/n dearly and the was once again filled with happiness and cheerfulness, they celebrated Jun's birthday once again but now only with main important person. Jungkook just said Y/n that he needs to reveal a very important information to her.) 





To Be Continued~ 

It's pretty short I know, but next chapter is going to be pretty important :) Wait for the Officially Last Chapter Giggles .. I will make it longer than this  💌💌 

Take care Giggles~💛

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