Lawful vigilante

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A fishing boat docked, and two men pushed a ramp down to the Dock. They grabbed a big black box and carried it down to a black SUV, which then drove off with the black box.

The SUV travelled the roads to a plane hanger, and the gate opened slowly, welcoming the SUV inside. The driver got out and carried the box to a table in the middle where men in demon masks crowded around. "Is this the package?" The main masked man asked, and the driver nodded."Yes. Sonic bombs to take out Hybrid."

"Good. You may go now." He told the driver stoically, and the driver was about to leave when he realised someone was missing."Wasn't there 5 of you?" He asked them, and the boss looked around and saw that there were only 3 demons and including himself made 4, so, where was the fifth?

A tendril wrapped around the box and pulled it up into the air. "Hybrid! He's here?!" A buff man in a demon mask shouted."He must've followed you here!" The boss shouted at the driver "Fuck this, I'm getting out of here!" The driver declared in fear and ran to his SUV but he disappeared into the air with only a scream. "Face us, Monster! Or, are you too scared to stare death in the face?" The boss shouted as the 4 crowded around each other in a circle.

Silently, a monster descended into the circle, and before there was any awareness, a blade pierced three of their chests with only the boss left alive who had a tendril wrapped around his neck like a constrictor. "Tell me, who's your boss?" Izuku interrogated him, and the man chuckled."Your worst nightmare."

"Ooh, Scary. Really, I'm impressed with how much an idiot you are." Izuku told him and was about to tighten the tendril around his neck when the gate to the hanger was opened and Izuku was met with "Freeze! This is the police!" Izuku let the demon go and slapped the demon on the back of his head, pushing him towards the police car.

" Izuku told him and was about to tighten the tendril around his neck when the gate to the hanger was opened and Izuku was met with "Freeze! This is the police!" Izuku let the demon go and slapped the demon on the back of his head, pushing him tow...

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"Officer Davis! How's it going? How's Miles and Rio?" Izuku asked the officer politely, acting as if he didn't just kill 5 people. Izuku retracted his mask and hood and was met with Jefferson disappointed look. "Hey, I kept 1 alive this time. Gotta count for something." Izuku told him, and Jefforson sighed. "I suppose it's a start. Did you get any evidence?" He asked Izuku, and the boy nodded, and a tendril reached up onto the roof and pulled an arm down."Oops, sorry." The tendril dropped the arm and picked up the black box from the roof.

"Sonic bombs. To try and kill me." Izuku passed the box over to Jefferson, and the cop places the box in the front seat of his car.  "Here's the guy. Maybe you'll get more out of him than I could." Izuku informed Davis, passing the demon over to him.

Izuku had been working with the police for a couple of days a bit, more specifically with Officer Jefferson, who just so happened to be the father of Miles, the first kid he had saved. Jefferson didn't really like Izuku due to him mostly killing the villains he went after, but Izuku soon appeared at the morales household and became friends with Miles, Rio and Jeffords.

Jeffords drove off with the demon and the box to the station, and Izuku let out a whistle and Lasher, now in a dog and Scream in a fox. "Got a couple of corpses you can eat if you wanna, or I could get you some proper food?" Izuku suggested to them, and Lasher sent out two sharp tendrils to the roof and pulled down the top half of one of the demons."I'll have this. Thank you very much." Lasher told his father."Same." Scream told him and grabbed a corpse on the floor.

"Alright then, but don't eat it on the streets. The last time you did that, you got shot." Izuku warned them, and they nodded to their father while feasting down on the corpses. Izuku pushed himself up into the air and began swinging from the rooftops.'I know this might seem strange, but... I find Rio sexy.' Carnage told Izuku and the other symbiotes "Nah, I get it. She's what people would refer to as a 'Milf'. So, it's understandable." Izuku told Carnage and the blood symbiote questioned Izuku on what that meant "Well, a Milf is a mother I'd like to fuck. So, say take Rio for example she's a mother and you think she's sexy and you obviously want to have sex with her as well so, she's a Milf."

'Nice. Can we have sex with her then?' Carnage asked Izuku. "What?? No, she's got a husband, our friend Officer Davis. That'll be both cheating and betraying his trust." Izuku said,'Right...forgot about cheating being a thing.' Carnage reminded himself with the sound of disappointment in his voice.

'Felicia's allowed us to make a harem, and yet you haven't allowed any other girl to make a move on us!' Venom complained to his host "Yes, I have. Midnight's been flirting with me for the past like two weeks, and you're making me find it sexy." Izuku complained back to the symbiote. 'Nope! That's fully you!' Venom laughed at Izuku.'You like older women. There's nothing to be ashamed of! I'm sure there's people who have done way weirder stuff.' Venom assured Izuku through laughter.

They continued to talk about Izuku and the girls that he could have in his harem. Izuku was distracted when a police siren buzzed to life and sped away. Izuku sprouted his wings and followed after the car till they were at a bank, and Izuku planted himself on the side of a police van and noticed Tsukauchi walking past. "What's the word?" Izuku asked the detective Tsukauchi."Shocker. He's escaped and locked himself inside with the owner and the staff. You don't need to be here. Look into those demons that challenged you. We've already got a hero sneaking into the bank to get him."

"Come on, Tsukauchi. I know Shocker and that he's not the Brightest, but he can be dangerous if you make him think he is." Izuku warned, and as if almost on cue, the hero that had tried to sneak in, Snitch, was blasted through the front door at the feet of Izuku and Tsukauchi and Shocker came out of the bank with a bag overflowing with money.

" Izuku warned, and as if almost on cue, the hero that had tried to sneak in, Snitch, was blasted through the front door at the feet of Izuku and Tsukauchi and Shocker came out of the bank with a bag overflowing with money

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"Leave me alone!" Shocker shouted and blasted off into the air."And the chase begins!" Izuku shouted and jumped after Shocker."Shocker, Buddy! Ol' pal! How you doing?" Izuku asked Shocker as he chased him down."Get away from me, Hybrid!"

"Aww, come on, Shocker, I thought we were friends?" Izuku joked to him as he blasted through the streets, flipping cars, and leaving the roads broken. "You have no friends!" Shocker shouted back at him, and Izuku heard Venom laugh.'Sorry, that was just hilarious!' "He's insulting us, not just me!" Izuku shouted at Venom 'Well, fuck him then!' Venom exclaimed.

Shocker began to charge something in his hands, and as soon as he was close enough to the ground, Shocker blasted off into the sky. "Get back here! Shocker!" Izuku demanded of the villain and charged OFA and flew into Shocker, catching him and rolled around before throwing him down and then catching him again with tendrils.

"Hey, come on, man! Why are you breaking into banks? Thought you said you were getting ya life in order?" Izuku asked Shocker."I was! Until they showed up." Shocker said mysteriously."Oh? And who are they?" Izuku questioned Shocker as he held onto the villain from above in the air.

"A man of black and white! And, a man with the face of a potato!" Shocker told Izuku, and Izuku raised an eyebrow through his costume as police sirens began to approach rapidly. "A spud face and a monochrome man?" Izuku curiously asked Shocker.

"Yes! Yes! They forced me into this! They said that if I didn't start committing crimes again, my dad would be killed! I don't want that. He's the only family I have!" A face of realisation hit Shocker."Now that you've caught me... They'll kill him! Please, Hybrid! Go to the old folks home on Jakoo Street and take care of him, I don't want him to spend his last moments in fear." Shocker pleaded with Izuku, and Izuku nodded.

"I will." Izuku told Shocker, and he heard the cries of the man under the mask as Izuku lowered Shocker down. The police grabbed him and wrapped cuffs on him. "Thank you..."

Chapter end

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