Chapter 52. Uncle Film.

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I sat in a small café with Ming and Cherry waiting for her boyfriend, New, to arrive. I still felt very awkward and in the way despite all the kind words. I needed to understand the reasons why their father had got so upset with me.

"What is the problem that your parents are having with the landlord," I asked Cherry. "Do you know?"

"They increased our rent last month and wouldn't give us a reasonable answer as to why. They said the increase came as a directive from KPIC. There are many problems and faults with the building that have not been addressed yet, despite many people complaining. You have seen the outside of the building..., it is in need of renovation and the lifts....? Well! They break down on a regular basis and are in need of repair. It is not a safe building anymore and then they go and increase the rent. It is not fair."

"I'm sorry, Earth," Ming said, seeing the embarrassment on my face. "I didn't know anything about this. I wouldn't have put you in this situation had I known."

I tried to give him a reassuring smile but I could only manage a weak one. I was out of my depth. I didn't know anything about this side of the business, in fact I didn't know anything in depth about my father's business full stop. I knew the manner in which they talked to employees and how they organised everyone, but other than that I knew very little. I wondered how much my mother knew.

Further discussion was put on hold by the arrival of New. I greeted him traditionally and was rewarded with a broad smile. He was a handsome guy around 24 years old. Ming seemed charmed by him.

"So this is your younger brother and his boyfriend," he said, with a broad grin, after kissing Cherry and sitting down. "My sister goes to the same college as you. Natee Patalung, although she is known as Mint. You may know her?"

"I know of her," I answered as Ming shook his head. "One of my roommates has been trying to date her for some time."

Ming looked at me as if querying who.

"Golf," I told him quietly. "Not sure if he has managed to get a date yet though."

We made small talk while we ate. I say we ate, but I ate very little. I wasn't hungry and picked at the food on my plate.

When they wanted to return to the hospital I asked Ming if he minded if I didn't return with him. I said I wanted to stay here for a while and check with Karn if there was any more news on Pond. I said I would call him when I was finished.

He looked at me with the saddest expression I had ever seen on him. His eyes were dull and almost tearful, yet he nodded his approval and left with Cherry and New.

The first call I made was to my mother. I was lucky to catch her on her lunch break. I explained I was ringing about the complex rentals in Khon Kaen and asked who was responsible for them. I told her about the state of the building that Ming's parents lived in. She said she knew nothing about that side of the business and advised me to call Virote Sivaraksa, the Managing Director of KPIC and tell him that we both wanted full details of the property in question, and any directives issued regarding its upkeep immediately. She also told me to speak to our family lawyer, and ask him to make enquiries. She said she would message me his mobile number and email address.

I then sent a text to Karn asking him if he was free.

He called me immediately.

I told him I was wanting to come back tomorrow. He asked me if everything was alright between us and I answered truthfully and said 'Yes.. although Ming's father had issues with who my father was'. He said again that Book needed Ming back as soon as possible and was this still likely. I told him I still wasn't sure but would find out shortly.

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