Chapter 54. Relief.

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Once we had finished clearing away I showered first as Ming tidied up his room, even though I thought it didn't need it. He was really anal about cleaning, even at home.

I lay in his bed, with just my underwear on. I was kind of nervous at the prospect of what could be about to happen so Mr Happy was shrivelled up in fright. I wondered if he would actually come out to play later. I hoped so.

I phoned Karn. It was only a brief conversation and I told him we were leaving tomorrow and would be back sometime late afternoon. He said he had heard again from Book and when he asked about Pond all he said was that he was sure he was okay and would tell us more when we were all together in Bangkok.

I said I would call him again as we left Khon Kaen and again as we neared the Campus. I could sense a relief in Karn's voice as we said goodnight to each other.

That was when I had the first feelings that everything had not gone to plan and something was definitely wrong. I wondered again if Karn actually knew something and didn't want to say so as not to spoil my time away with Ming. He wouldn't do that, I told myself. But a nagging thought kept coming back to me. He was talking with Book and only Book. No one else was mentioned. What was it that Karn was not saying?

I was distracted from my thoughts by Ming coming out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist. I knew he had nothing underneath as I could see something was pushing against the towel. I said something, but I knew exactly what it was.

Mr Happy responded immediately.

As Ming finished drying his hair, I closed my eyes. I didn't want to see him naked as I thought it would embarrass us both. I knew I would be and I didn't want to look like a beetroot for our first encounter.

I tensed slightly as I felt Ming get in the bed beside me. He then pulled me into his bare upper torso, still warm from the shower, into a cuddle. My head resting on one side of his chest and my arm resting on the other, just over his heart. I felt it beating hard and fast. I purposely positioned my lower half so that Mr Happy was not pressing up against him.

We lay in silence for a few minutes.

His fingers were gently caressing the top half of my back, around my shoulders and running down the protruding vertebrae of my spine. I began to feel less anxious and quite comfortable in his arms.

"Just what exactly did you tell your parents," I asked, "and how did they take it? I know that all was well when I came in with the coffees but were they surprised or angry?"

Ming gave a real chuckle. "I don't know why I was so worried. They already had their suspicions but didn't know for sure. Well! That's what Dad said. Mum said later that she had guessed as soon as she saw us together. Apparently it's our body language and not the fact that either of us look or act gay, well at least I don't."

I slapped him hard on his chest making him cry out.

"Are you saying I do?" I prepared to slap him again, depending on his answer.

He grabbed it with his free hand. "Just teasing, Earth, honest! I like you because you don't act girly. If you did I would be put off. I like boys who are boys and not boys who like to be girls."

"Ah! So that means you're a bottom then?" I asked knowing that we had already had a similar conversation.

"Not necessarily. I haven't worked that side of things out yet. I know that I do want to try and top you one day."

"I'm glad you said 'one day' because I'm not ready for that yet."

Ming pushed me off him and turned so he could look at me. "Then what are you ready for?"

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