CH 24

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"well, the princess wanted to know how do friend introduce themselves to each other"

"and what does it have to do with me?"

Athanasia grew irritated by Lucas and shouted

"I would have rather been friends with Mr white's son if I knew this was going to happen!"

"Sure, go ahead"

With a snap of his fingers the royals got teleported away.

While Athanasia was falling from the sky, the crown prince landed gracefully on the ground beside a white haired child thanks to his magic.

The child looked in the sky and saw a blonde girl falling and did a pathetic attempt to catch her which resulted in both of them hugging mother nature.

The prince looked at his surroundings not bothered by the kids it's not like he was here to play pattycake with them.

"Angels... no angels. Then how did you fall from..."

Before the poor boy could complete his sentence they heard his father calling for him, Athy hid behind the bushes and the prince cast a invisibility spell.

After the duke left the child called out for the two strangers.

"are you still there?"

The prince continued to listen to their... bizarre conversation with a sense of deja vu

'I feel like I've been to similar situations before'

and out of blue Athanasia disappeared.... again.

"Lady angel"


"Lady Angel"

"She must have returned"

A firm voice replied while appearing in front of the child

The Apathetic PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now