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Irene Shan Castina,

the beloved late empress of the Obelian Empire belonged to the house of Castina, a household of prodigies which are said to be blessed by gods.

Thus there was an oracle bestowed upon the Castinas.

' You, who are blessed by us, will be gifted on your birth by countless talents. As you are the descendants of the beloved child. When the era of calamities will begin, he the one who'll pass the trial that every Castina will go through and fail. Until no one will have faith upon our words, that is when he will bring peace to you.

He who departed from our sight and travelled our thoughts, travelled from our eyes to our heart.

The one who would find the sea of memories. '


Ambroise was preparing for his departure, two days later he had to go to do the Castina trial. No one can predict how long he'll take to finish it.

"do you rally have to go?"

The emperor asked clearly not pleased by the situation but alas he was powerless in front of the late empress's family traditions.

' the only negative thing Irene passed down to our son is her family traditions'

Claude was having an internal monologue about how to not send his son far away for god knows how long.

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