CH 25

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Ijekiel looked surprised before standing up and bowing

"Blessings and glory upon the Obelian empire, I greet the future sun of Obelia.

The prince wasn't surprised of being recognised currently only two people in the whole empire had crimson red hair and one of them is the only known prince with unmistakable jewelled eyes

"you may rise"

The successor of the duchy complied obediently.

"May I know why did the esteemed crown prince came to visit this humble duchy?"

Ambroise wasn't surprised by his formality and answered

"as the princess's wish it would be a secret, and I would like you to not mention about this incident to anyone because the consequences would not be pleasant"

"I will keep that in mind"

The prince sat beside the boy with a sigh and closed his eyes.

Ijekiel admired the prince he was good looking, the young child always heard how the crimson haired prince was a prodigy.

In the shade relaxed the crown prince unbothered by the golden eyes that stared at him, in the noble society your manners were your beauty and if they followed the saying then there was no denying that future sun of Obelia was the most beautiful.

His crimson hair that resembled the roses in the eyes of nobles and common people, and blood for knights and soldiers shined in the sunlight that barely passed from the tree leaves, his pale white skin seemed glowing.

The young boy could only watch in silence as the beauty in front of him vanished.

'Will I be able to see you again?

My prince'

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