CH 34

638 16 0

'evil spirits?'

"I'm coming in a while go ahead"

Before the prince could react someone smacked him on the head from behind.

'who the fuck-'

Ambroise stood speechless, in front him was his ex-partner with teary eyes.

"you bastard! couldn't you be more careful?! you know how sad I was when you slept so peacefully forever?!"

"But I didn't sle-"

"shut up!"


"I don't know how did I get engaged to someone like you!"

'rude but ok'

"What did I even see in you?"

"I'm sor-"

"I do not want to hear a word!"


"you, stupid, dumb, ignorant, brainless, dense, foolish, slow-witted, dull-witted, dull, witless,  empty-headed, half-witted, idiotic, moronic, scatter-brained, crack-brained, imbecilic, nonsensical, unthinking, ill-advised, ill-considered being!" 

"you forgot dam-fool"


"here, drink some water Idris"


The two of them sat on the ground in silence. One scared and the other one in thought.

"so, how did you end up here?"

"you want to listen from the start or-"


"I died, some emo dude sent me here. My father is an emperor, my mother the empress is dead, my step-mom is also dead, I'm a crown prince who has a younger half sister but I'm still more good looking. Oh my uncle is also dead, before his marriage my father had a fiancèe but she cheated on him."

"Oh, drama"

"yes, it's the imperial family what do you expect?"

"more drama?"

"Well, my father killed his older brother the og crown prince for the throne"

"Be careful who knows your fate might be the same as the former og crown prince"


'he has a point'

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