We have escaped, But at what cost?

212 9 0

Ryo, Crocodile and Mr 1

Have a ton of marines aiming at them

That's when a huge blast of water flies passed them chasing a lot of damage

Ryo: (Damn Jinbei isn't a warlord for nothing but no what guess we just need to find a new ship Well we better get on that)

A whole lot of marines go too attack Ryo but he just sighs and disappears before all of them hesd a crackle and are taken care of

He narrowly dodges a sword swing but grabs the sword and electrocutes the guy

That's when he takes a whole lot of more them out

Then they have captured the ship

Jinbei gives luffy a call and basically tells him to jump into the sea

Ryo: you sure this'll work Jinbei

Jinbei: Yes I am indeed sure

Ryo: Alright I trust you, you are ace's friend

Jinbei: Right!

Then they see some riding on sharks whale shakes too be specific

Ryo: Huh you can communicate with sea life I thought only merfolk can do that

Jinbei: Usually but let's just say I have a special bond with this kind of sea life

They are then seen sailing on the ship away from impel down

Ryo then finally flops down

Jinbei: Huh what's wrong

Ryo: let's just say I'm taking advantage of our current situation

They keep getting shot by cannons but Ryo being Ryo tries to ignore this that's until they get too the gates of justice

Ryo: Well crap

Jinbei just tells them too keep sailing

Luffy: Protect the ship we can worry about the gate

Ryo: Roger thayt captain!

The start firing back Ryo destroys some the cannonballs flying at them

They all keep fighting No matter what

And then the gates of justice open for them

The prisoners and luffy start too cheer

Ryo lands next too Jinbei

Ryo whispers; Jinbei tell me what's happening

Jinbei whispers: you'll find out soon enough

Ryo: fine ok then

Luffy to Jinbei: all this time you knew and that's why you didn't stop

Ryo: Tch Bon clay you selfless bastard

The gates of justice starts closing

Luffy: dammit Bon was with us just a second ago, everyone was leaving and he stayed back all by himself, I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for his help I'd probably be dead, helped us find Iva and he helped me escape, he saved me from that poison and cheered for me the whole way he's my friend and you want too just leave him

Jinbei: there's no time

Luffy: we can't just leave him to die back there

Ryo punches luffy in the face a couple of tears falling from his eyes

Ryo: Do you really think any of us actually want to leave him behind! He chose to stay behind so we could escape! And you want to just throw that away so you can maybe save him

Luffy and Ryo glare at each other

Jinbei hands over the baby transponder snail: it's still connected baby transponder snails have a limited range once the gate closes you won't be able to talk too him

Luffy calls Bon clay and says it's jjsy like last time

Luffy: why didn't you say anything we could've found another way, we where supposed to break out together weren't we, dammit how many times do you have to save me huh, if you're there say something

Ryo is in the corner his hair covering his eyes tears falling down his face

Ryo: (hmm I owe you a huge debt Bon and I promise you one day I will repay it in full so you better survive you selfless prick)

They all shout for him

Galdino: Mr 2!

Buggy: How dare you mr 2 before I could tell you I'm sorry!

Ivankov: Bon boy

Ryo keeps twitching

Luffy: This is it...the gates about to close...we have to go

We'll never forget you!

Thank you so much Bon!

Ryo: Don't you dare die you got that!

Bon clay: STRAWBOY

Luffy: I'm here

Bon clay: Straw boy, find Ace, save him and don't look back!, I know you can do it and you have lots of friends too help you

Luffy crying: Bon!

Ryo crying as well: damm-dammit!

And the gate closes

The connection is lost

Ryo: (I know you can Survive this Bon, So in the name of everything that you did for my brother we will save ace and that's a promise

"Swans never die and never say goodbye"

We owe him our lives

We are finally free

If it wasn't for him we'd be sitting at the bottom of the ocean right now

"Even in the depths of hell the flower of friendship shall still bloom, flames licking it's stem and on the sands of the river where souls part from the living it sheds a solitary petal leaving it behind as a memento, so let us vow that we shall make it bloom again some day


I'm crying right now  for what feels like a lot of times recently and it's only going to get worse from here

Magellan: Any last words!

Bon Clay: Satisfaction!

The impel down break out has been completed

241 prisoners had escaped 242 if you count the golden lion

But this was only the start soon even more events will occur Soon the entire world will be shaken too it's core

It as for whay will happen you will have to wait

Because the crew we have right now is heading into war with the determination of countless sacrifices leading them on They charge forward

Ryo and luffy have a brother too save and nothing not even the greatest force of the world government will stop them

But right now we are given a brief moment too cry for The guardian Angel that is Bon clay

But soon after we will be forced to enter a battle of unparalleled stakes 

Will the Son die for his father's sins

Or will the brothers succeed in saving the day

You'll have to wait and see

And that's a wrap

Phew dammit need too stop crying while I'm writing

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