No matter what it costs

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Ivankov: Remember Straw boy and fox boy, energy hormone may get you pumped for now but if you fall again that's it, you're a dead boy got it

Luffy: that's alright

Ryo: in that case

Both: I just won't fall again!

Iva: well just don't kill yourself too badly,

Ryo: Crap it's happening

Luffy: right we gotta go, Theya are not killing while we are around

The two brothers are back with a vengeance

They take our even more marines

A guy with a whip goes for luffy hut Ryo catches it

Ryo: sorry I'm not into that crap! But how about some shock and awe!


He sends the marine too the ground

The marines surround them

Saying things like

The navy always wins

You might as well give up


They send a ton of marines flying

Ryo: awesome job Iva we owe ya one

The the three rush forward when they see a familiar head of pink hair

Ryo: wait is that?

Luffy: it's Coby

The two brothers rush at him

Coby: I'm sorry luffy but I'm going to have to kill you

Luffy: Gum Gum!

Coby: Now shave

But Coby isn't fast enough and he's struck in the face

Luffy: BULLET!

Ryo: Sorry Coby that was mighty courageous though

Luffy: Ace!

Ryo: huh

He sees they are about to execute him again

So they rush forward

But they hear the same sound that they hate so much and are sent too the ground by a beam of light

The pacifista are standing there

Luffy: Not you again!

Iva: Dirty frauds impersonating my friend

Ryo: dammit they always get in the way

Two pacifista charge up their attacks

But this time Hancock jumps in the way and because she's a warlord they stop

So they rush off again

Ryo: Hey Hancock

Hancock: Yes brother in law

Ryo sweatdrops a little and chuckles nervously but gets serious again

Ryo: Keep this up and I might just be ok with you marrying my brother

Hancock gasps: (he's accepted me, this is truly a magnificent day)

She has a weird fantasy

Ryo: I owe you one Hancock so don't go dying till I can repay you

Hancock: Ow ok I promise not too just as long as you don't leave my beloved without a brother too take care of him while I'm not around

Ryo: you got it!

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