The strawhats vs the new fishman pirates

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All the strawhats get ready to brawl with the 50,000 members

The army charges at them

Ryo: This is gonna be fun!

Luffy takes a ton of them out with giant pistol

Ryo charges right in

Ryo: heh 'he unleashes his claws" slashing style 'his claws become covered in electrically" THUNDERSLASH STRIKE

Ryo slashes down and it releases a flying blade attack in the shape of a claw

This creates gashes in the ground and takes out a lot of fishmen in one strike

Ryo lands on his hands and is surrounded by fishmen

Ryo: time to unleashes Striking whirlwind!

Ryo then starts break dancing on the floor and is soon covered in electricity and he goes so fast he starts Turing into a tornado and any fishman who tries to get close gets cut

Eventually the fishmen get smart too his attack

Ryo: (heh good thing that wasn't all I had planned)

He starts spinning even faster

Ryo: Thunderous! Three hundred and sixty caliber! Buzzsaw!

He unleashes a powerful electrical blade attack dicing every fishman in his way

Another fishman with a sword tries to hit him but he just catches it without even looking and crushes it in his hand

Ryo: while I do commend you for resisting my conquerors burst this ends now

He grabs his lightning sword

Ryo: Lightning sword style! Thunderclap and flash EIGHTFOLD

He slashes through eight fishmen ending up in front of another one who tries too strike him

Ryo: now shave!

Ryo is gone and suddenly strikes the fishman in the face with a knee strike

Ryo punches a fishman in the gut sending him flying through a ton of other enemies

Ryo: I don't care if you guys are fishmen you are nothing compared to those monsters I trained against on the island monsters who stood ten times as tall as your houses bowed too me once I had defeated them and I dealt with them everyday and night for two years so fifty thousand weaklings are absolutely nothing

Ryo then got on all fours: Electroclaws

His arms and legs get covered in electricity and seems to grow and beocme claws made of pure lighting


Ryo rushes forward on all fours going even faster than when he uses shave or thundercloak and disappears into a flash of lightning

He then reappears skidding to a halt behind a huge group of fishmen s

Ryo clicks his tongue and they all get struck down

Ryo then looks up and sees Sanji walking on air

Ryo: Hey Sanji! Took a page out of my book did ya!

Sanji: Let's just say you definitely helped consider it lay back for you copying my Diable jambe

Ryo chuckles: fair enough

Meanwhile a particular fishman watches

Kyros: that Ryo he's even stronger than I thought he'd be that will make him extra fun to kill!

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