Land of the dead

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Everyone is silent and franky is still sleeping

Luffy: Dolflamnigo, Who is that again?

Ryo sweatdrops

Smoker: he was at the battle of marineford do you seriously not remember him?

Luffy: he was on the Navy's side huh, oh that guy!, the bird dude huh

Law: he's not someone you take lightly

Ryo: Ain't that the truth

Smoker: can't deny that

Tashigi: also shortly after the battle at marineford I heard word that dolfamingo struck down Moria ruthlessly

Luffy: that's crazy

Ryo: (eh doesn't bother me all that much)

Ryo settles down in the cage and closes his eyes

Ryo sniffs and smells chopper

Ryo: (counting on you chopper I could probably get out but I wouldn't be able to get anyone else out which is a huge problem but it's chopper he'll think of something)


Ryo snaps out of it when law starts freaking out

Caesar: I know exactly what you where planning against me, I'm so disappointed law and here I had gone and convinced myself that o had finally found a friend

Law smiles: so your clever secretary saved your hide huh well fine I can admit that I should of been wary of her, I just didn't expect someone so smart to work for such a dumbass

Caesar gets mad and punches law's heart

Luffy: you're kind of amazing, he took your heart and your still alive?

Smoker: undone by your own powers huh that is some record breaking stupidity pathetic, what the hell did you do with mine

Caesar: Shirororo oh you mean this heart here

He holds up smoker's heart

Smoker growls

Caesar: poor smo-

Monet: master I pulled up the video feed just like you wanted

Caesar: luck is on your side smoker

A screen appears

Caesar: alright let's eye it

It reveals a huge piece of candy

Ryo: (well crap this is definitely not good in any sense of the word)

Caesar just laughs: it's finally time, greetings unlawful brokers thanks for tuning in the show will be starting shortly, a horde of fragmented smilies are currently on route from the burning lands and soon they'll all converge here on this centre point of the ice lands upon this happy reunion they will all merge into one we'll have one lovely smilie huge and deadly, then our experiment will begin, you see my smilie is the living incarnation of the toxic a2s gas, in fact I've already utilised smilie once before 4 years ago to kill this island

Smoker: so it's some kind of gas Monster?

He goes onto say that there was one problem although the gas statured the subjects with poison they where still able to evacuate this may not be a problem for most people but for him it was he referred too it as a true disappointment, now this time he's devised a remedy a boost as it where a special meal to stimulate smiley's toxic form it provides an added affect to his toxic form one that will turn him into a perfect weapon of mass destruction, a new weapon is about to be birthed one named

Land of the dead

Ryo: (uh huh I was right about it being not good)

He leaves his subordinates to die by the goo of smiley

Caesar tried to command Smiley too not eat it yet

I see,ed to falter for a second before eating it anyway

Ryo: (hmm well I've said it a few times already but this majorly can't be good)

Luffy: ok now what it ate the candy

Caesar: that's a good boy, good smiley, it's complete not a living soul can stop him now Shirororo

Good boy smiley now be reborn! Show them all of your power!

Caesar keeps laughing

Franky: what kind of powerful baby is it going to be reborn as?

Robin: the most powerful weapon of mass destruction ever

Luffy: that is one big frog

Ryo: it's an axolotl but yeah

Caesar: Now begin your new life! As death!

The thing roars or whatever kind of noise that is

Caesar: you have made me so proud of you smiley until we meet again, now be reborn and arise become the ultimate weapon land of the dead!
Transform this island into a lethal waste land

Smiley goes from a big goopy axolotl too a tsunami of purple goo and gas

Caesar's subordinates get turned into statutes

It smothers the body in a shell like act, the toxin's seep throgun the skin and instantly paralyses its victim the mass manufactured massacre

Caesar can't stop laughing

Smokers this is pure madness

Luffy: all of those goat guys they are freezing solid

Ryo: what...the...hell (and they call us monsters, wait what about the others are they ok)

Speaking of the devils they also see a guy they don't know with a sword Ryo assumes that's the samurai with his whole body

Luffy: Hey that's zoro! They are all running from the smoke

Ryo: good to know they aren't dead yet

Franky: would you look at those fools what are they doing out there and what kind of stupid run is that

Robin: oh look the samurai got his whole body back

Luffy: oh you're right guess that means he's not going to give me his legs, wait that's not important right now Robin Hurry up guys that smoke will freeze you dead!

Luffy falls down due to sea prism stone

Caesar basically says that nothing can survive outside of these walls not one soul will be left alive and apparently ray includes them as well because the cage they are in is thrown outside

Franky: they really built that lab as solid as a fortress

Robin: very true and rather well designed for manoeuvring heavy equipment

Ryo: Yup that's definitely true as well

Tashigi: how can you three be so relaxed

Luffy: so how can we get out of this jam?

Law: I wasn't expecting vergo to show up, no matter I'm not gonna let a small detail like that hold us back now Strawhat we are sticking with the plan just don't screw it up again time for the counter attack

And that's a wrap

Now it's getting much better this arc is basically entirely set up which is annoying but whatever

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