Chapter 7: World Domination or Simple Domesticity?

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Narcissa walked out of Flourish and Blotts with two very happy children and a stack of new books. "Can we get ice Cream before we go home Nana?" Scorpius asked,

"Only if Rose would like to get ice cream. She might prefer to go to the candy shop instead." Rose looked down the street- the candy store was right next door to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes where her father worked. Ice cream was in the other direction. After watching him attack her mother over the weekend she didn't want to be anywhere near the man. Afraid he'd hurt her or Narcissa or Scorpius like he'd hurt her mother.

"I think ice cream." she said firmly. So hand in hand, the three walked down to Florean Fortescue's and got ice cream. They had just sat down with their delights when the shop door swung open again and Rose's face went pale as her father walked over to the counter across from them. She turned away from him toward Scorpius beside her and let her hair fall over her shoulder to obscure her face. Narcissa caught the movement and made the connection instantly, having noted the tall Weasley as well. Leaning across the table she tapped the crown of Rose's head with her wand, turning her auburn curls pale blonde with a nonverbal charm.

"There, now you're a Malfoy dear." She said softly as Rose lifted her hand to her hair. Scorpius grinned at her.

"We're twins!" He laughed, and Rose smiled back at him and relaxed as Ronald Weasley barely glanced at the table where Narcissa Malfoy sat with her blond grandchildren on his way out the door.

"I could be Rosamund Malfoy." Rose giggled once the danger of being spotted was gone. "I wonder what mum will say about my hair." She twisted a curl about her finger.

"I want to know what Dad says." Scorpius added. Narcissa was just glad that the children found it funny.

Finally they finished their ice cream and headed back to the Manor, Rose's hair still charmed blonde and Scorpius calling her 'Rosamund' every chance he got.

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Hermione went straight up to bed to rest while Draco took the time without the kids to take care of some paperwork he'd been avoiding.

"We're back dad!" Draco glanced up and did a solid double take- Two- Yes TWO curly blonde heads stood in front of his desk grinning at him. With her hair the same color as Scorpius' and both of them with those big brown eyes- they could pass as siblings. "What do you think dad?" Rose asked, flipping her hair over her shoulder. Draco pursed his lips,

"That is what you were wearing this morning right? Did you get new shoes?" He looked her up and down.

"No!" The two said in tandem, laughing. Draco stood up and came round the desk, sitting instead in one of the arm chairs he had set up in front of it. Scorpius immediately leaned against the arm of the chair. "Guess again." He insisted, excited. Rose twisted a curl around a finger.

"Mmmmm" he hummed thoughtfully, "come closer." She stepped up opposite Scorpius and Draco looked between the two of them several times.

"Blonde hair. Curls. Brown eyes. Big grins... Not sure what I'm missing. One Malfoy" he pointed to Scorpius then to Rose, "Two Malfoy's."

Scorpius giggled, "That's what Ronald Weasley saw too."

Draco's eyes hit his son and only long years of practice hiding his emotions kept the smile on his face.

"What happened?"

"We got ice cream after the books, and Rose's dad came in, but Nana turned her hair blonde and he didn't even see her."

Draco turned to Rose, "Are you alright?" he asked taking her small hand in his own,

"I was scared for a minute, but then Nana Cissa fixed my hair and I wasn't scared after that." she said, looking down at their hands.

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