Chapter 18: The Beginning of Forever

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By the time Lucius and Narcissa brought Rose and Scorpius home almost a week later, Draco and Hermione had settled into married life, the only real changes to their routines outside of the kids were that they now shared Draco's bedroom and didn't shy away from touching each other anymore. Rose and Scorpius were happy to be home and talked non stop about all the different things they had done and seen while in France with their grandparents. Scorpius had visited the vineyards before and Lucius had taken the kids to Paris for a day trip as well. "We had lunch at this really fancy restaurant and Grand-père ordered in French and everything." Rose told them, sprawling across Hermione's lap on the sofa in the parlor.

"And then Rose ate snails and got sick." Scorpius commented, snagging one of the chocolate covered shortbread cookies from the tray on the coffee table. "Oh Merlin! I'm so sorry!" Hermione turned to Lucius who looked rather abashed, "I should have warned you of her food allergies before you left."

"I knew about the shellfish allergy, we just didn't realize the escargot could cause a reaction as well." Lucius fidgeted with his teacup,

"The healers were very nice though and spoke English to me when they realized I didn't speak French. And they taught me how to say 'Je suis allergique aux–"

"crustacés." Scorpius supplied. "Ma sœur est allergique aux escargots."

"Show off." Rose muttered, sticking her tongue out at Scorpius as Draco complimented him on his pronunciation.

"We got to see Aunt Ginny play against the French national quidditch team too." Scorpius continued. "they won 210 to 150."

Rose giggled "The French couldn't keep the quaffle for more than a second, and their seeker only managed to catch the snitch because it hit him in the face."

"I believe a small red headed girl screaming obscenities at him from our box was rather distracting." Narcissa observed,

"Rose!" Hermione exclaimed, "what have I told you about watching your language?" Rose ignored her mother,

"Everyone was shouting nana. And should you even be a professional player if the crowd is able to distract you?"

"I am so sorry Narcissa."

Her mother in law waved a hand, "I remember Draco doing the same thing when he was about her age, only he was shouting in French." Draco had the grace to blush.

"The children were over all quite well behaved, and we had a lovely visit. We will have to do it again soon."

Two weeks later the children started back to school the day before Hermione left for Hogwarts.

Draco and Hermione agreed to pull the kids for the day so they could see their mother off on the Hogwarts Express as a selection of teachers were required to ride the train as chaperones. Rose and Scorpius had been to platform 9 ¾ before to see cousins off to Hogwarts but this was the first time saying goodbye to one of their own and both Rose and Scorpius were teary as Hermione said goodbye. "Cheer up darlings! I'll be home for dinner tomorrow night!" Hermione told them as she pulled them both into her arms. "And you've got school tomorrow yourselves."

Rose sighed. "but you won't be here for breakfast!"

"Or bedtime." Scorpius added,

"You have your father. And he's a much better reader than I am."

Draco snorted a laugh, "that's debatable."

She shot him a grin as she stood up, her robes swirling about her feet.

"We shall miss you." He reached for her and she went willingly into his arms.

"I shall miss you as well. But it's only for one night." Hermione tilted her head, "how does the saying go? Absence makes the heart grow fonder?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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