Chapter 9: Safe at Home

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Hermione slept through lunch, and woke half an hour shy of school pick up that afternoon. She fixed her hair, charmed the wrinkles from the linen dress and wandered down to the kitchen in search of food. She nabbed a sandwich from Maudsley who smiled indulgently at her much as she did to Draco. Hermione got the feeling that the older house elf enjoyed mothering them. It was nice to be mothered a little bit. Molly was good at it as well but she was always on guard around her mother in law in case she let slip some of what was going on at home and made Ron angry.

She finished her lunch and checked the time, she had about fifteen minutes before pick up started and she wanted to be there first thing in case there was any confusion.

She found Draco and Theo in the garden just coming back wind blown and sweaty from flying after the storm had passed. Draco was in a particularly good mood when he hit the ground and saw Hermione coming toward them in the garden. "Granger! How was your nap?" He asked as she came into ear shot.

"It was very restful, thank you Malfoy."

"I was just getting ready to go get Scorpius, I can pick up Rose as well if you like." he offered as the distance between them closed, she glanced at Theo who stood a little way off
"no, you stay here with your company. I can get the kids today." she smiled at him and he felt something warm within him.

"Thanks. Feel free to use the floo in my office if you want. There are hooks for the kids' backpacks and coats. Scorpius can show you the way we organize his homework as well."

"I'll do that, thank you." she turned to Theo, "will you be staying for dinner? I'm sure Scorpius would be quite sad to miss you."

"Yes, Drake talked me into it, thank you." he responded after he got his head back on from Hermione Granger playing hostess at Malfoy Manor.

"I'll be back in a bit then." she waved and headed back into the house at a brisk walk. Theo just stood beside his brother in law watching the woman walk away from them.

"So wait- is she living here?" He asked, finally making the connections.

"Temporarily. She's applied for a post at Hogwarts."

"History of Magic?" Theo asked, surprised. It was the only opening at the school this year. He taught Arithmancy at Hogwarts himself and he'd fought hard for that position.

"Yes that's it."

"Oh she'll have that acceptance letter soon then. McGonagall has wanted her on staff for years. I mean how many other applicants could boast having written chapters for the history of Hogwarts? She probably has that old thing memorized. And her library alone..." Theo whistled.

"Her library's gone." Draco said, shouldering his broom. Theo stared at him.

"It's gone? Is that why she's here?"

Draco nodded, "Weasley burned the books last weekend."

"He did what?"

"Took her wand, burned every book in her library and then to add insult to injury- struck her in front of their daughter."

"And the man yet lives?" Theo was in shock.

"Only because he coerced her into an unbreakable vow to not use her magic on him." they began walking slowly toward the house, "and she just realized this afternoon when you showed up, that he caused her to miscarry every pregnancy over the last ten years, save one."

"The daughter." Theo made the connection quickly, and Draco nodded.

"Rose Minerva. She and Scorpius share a birthday and are pretty much inseparable."

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