Chapter 15: We need to talk about this

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Hermione knocked on the common room door, Scorpius holding her hand. "Hey Rose, can I borrow Draco for a minute?"

Rose sat up and sighed, wiping the tears from her eyes with her sleeve even as Draco offered her a handkerchief from the table behind the sofa. He stood up and Scorpius sat down with Rose as his father joined Hermione by the door. "My office?"

She nodded and they started down the hall.

"Rose doesn't want to leave." Draco said,

"Scorpius doesn't want us to leave either." she pushed the library door open, and Draco didn't speak again until they had his office door closed behind them.

"Hermione. I understand that you've got a plan, you have things you need to do for yourself, and I hope you know that I fully support you in whatever path you wish to take for yourself and your family."

Hermione stared down at Draco's desk, it was tidy and well organized.

"Scorpius said we were a family, and my decision to move out is hurting my family."

"We'll manage, just as we managed before." Draco said, not able to meet her eyes.

"No, Drake." Hermione stepped closer to him, forcing him to look her in the face. "We don't have to just manage. We're better together. Scorpius and Rose, you and I. I'm sure we can figure out how to make the living arrangements work with my commute."

"So you're staying?" Draco felt the air in his lungs evaporate as Hermione smiled up at him, "we'll stay."

He pulled her into a bone crushing hug. "Oh thank Merlin." He huffed into her hair and she laughed.

Rose cried with relief when they told the kids that they wouldn't be moving out after all. Scorpius sat back in his chair and unknowingly echoed his father's "thank Merlin" which made Hermione laugh.

One afternoon about three weeks before the beginning of term Hermione found herself walking idly through the stacks in the library, half trying to decide what to read next- half just looking through the collection. She knew she could ask Binxley for suggestions or recommendations. The elf knew more about the collection than any other creature in existence and had been quite helpful in finding texts for her lesson planning. She ran a hand lightly over the spines of the books, stopping every now and then to pull one from the shelves and flip through it before returning it and moving on. She was somewhere near the back of the collection when an arm snaked about her waist and she was pulled bodily into the next stack

"Draco!" she gasped, leaning against his chest as he put her off balance. She turned in his arms, looking up into his face as he grinned down at her. "What are you doing?" she asked, he placed a hand across her mouth "shhh." He whispered, glancing about. She peeled his fingers off of her face, "Draco, there's no one else here." She laughed.

"The children might hear you." He said, his voice low.

"The children are on the other side of the house." She whispered back. He just grinned and took her hand, drawing her further through the tall stacks that lined the huge centuries old library. Finally he reached the far back corner and a secluded window seat that was quite big enough for activities. Hermione blushed. The atmosphere quickly went from electric to icy and he looked at her, sensing the change in mood.

"Draco, what are we doing?" She asked as he sat down and pulled her onto the cusion beside him.

"Well we have two options." He said as she turned so she was facing him, one foot tucked under the other leg.

"Option one, we talk about what just happened," she looked down at their entwined hands, cheeks red. "And option two?" she prompted, her voice soft.

"Option two is we go for my original plan, which was to get you into a secluded corner and kiss you till you couldn't think straight."

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