Chapter 17: Mawage is what bwings us togedder today.

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MacReynolds arrived shortly after the family finished breakfast, and it was ten to ten by the time the stack of paperwork was finished. Hermione would have had a headache if she wasn't such a bookworm.

Hermione collected Rose to go change into the clothes she had picked out the night before while Draco and Scorpius did the same. Theo showed up just as Hermione was sitting down to fix Rose's hair. "Hey Uncle Theo!" Scorpius called. He was sitting on the edge of the coffee table waiting for his turn under the comb. His hair had gotten quite long over the summer and needed some attention to be out of his face for the day. "Hey Scorp." Theo scrubbed his hand through his nephew's curls. "Hermione. Rosie." He gave the ladies a courtly bow. "Congratulations on joining the family. I assume MacReynolds was through for the legal bits this morning?"

Hermione glanced up from Roses' hair for a second. "Yes, we got all of that taken care of. Draco has the paperwork somewhere."

Draco stepped into the common room then, "ah Theo. Wonderful. Everyone else should be arriving in an hour or so."

"Who all did you talk into coming out?"

"Mr. And Mrs. Wesley, my parents, the Potters and the Zabinis." Draco listed off.

"And none of them know there's going to be anyone else here." Hermione added. Theo chuckled and it was nearly maniacal.

"Oh this is going to be the prank of the century." He muttered to himself, only barely resisting the urge to rub his hands together like a comic book villain. "So- '' Theo cleared his throat. "Ceremony before lunch, cake after?"

"That seems like the best idea." Hermione agreed.

"There's going to be cake?!" Rose exclaimed, "no one told me there would be cake!" Her mother had to press a hand to her shoulder to keep her from standing up. "Let me finish your hair." She admonished, sighing. She was more than a bit nervous and had the edge of anxiety beginning to creep in. Draco joined her at the couch and leaned down to press a kiss to her lips. "It'll be alright. Everyone is going to be pleasantly surprised and then there's cake." He reminded her.

"It'll be short and sweet I promise." Theo said, "a nice simple, do you? Do you? The rings and then 'You may kiss the bride'." And he sketched another quick bow. He turned to Draco. "You have the rings right?"

Draco patted his jacket pocket, "right here." He wore his usual khaki chinos and sports coat in a deep green that set off his eyes. Scorpius wore blue, and Rose was in green. Hermione's dress was the same blue as Scorpius's jacket. It was one of the summer dresses Narcissa had given her that came across as a bit more formal than the green linen she generally favored. It was fully ankle length with a well ruffled hem and cap sleeves. She had glamored the scar on her arm and for good measure put her wand holster over it.

When she had put it on that morning she ran her fingers over the pale leather. It had a hebridean black dragon tooled in amazing detail. Its eye, a single tiny ruby, glittered up at her from its place by her wrist. She'd affectionately called it Skye for the isle of Skye even well before Draco had hummed the Skye boat song while working weeks prior.

Now her hands worked deftly getting Rose's hair taken care of before calling Scorpius over for his turn.

The children's hair finished, Hermione decided a quick snack before people started arriving would be a good idea. The trip to the kitchen would help to calm her and she wanted some light refreshments for people since they wouldn't be eating immediately.

"We're going to head down to the traveling room, we'll send people your way as they arrive." Draco said as Hermione finished with Scorpius's hair and rose from the sofa. "Alright. I'm going down to the kitchen for a cup of tea before things go crazy." She stepped up to him, wrapping her arms about his waist and holding on to him for a moment. He returned the embrace, marveling at how things had changed in just 24 hours.

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