Chapter 30

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"You're killing these kids, Karasuma"

"Oh I know"


"There's chatter at the ministry. Its bad. They have to be ready for anything"

"Well damn, ominous"

"Come on, help me with them- HEY NAKAMURA NO SLACKING!!"

"Nah, I have to go- UA staff meeting"

"What the- Oh my god Irina, seriously?"

"Yes.. The kids made me do it.."

"Pfft- okay, you can go. Try not to cause a lot of trouble."

"Bye Tadaomiii"

"Dont call me that...."












It was an early saturday morning at UA, and it was that time for a staff meeting!

The teachers gathered around to talk about the upcoming events, current events, and overall things happening in the school.

"Today, we are going to start with the core classes and their testing scores," Nezu announced, emphasizing the importance of preparing for the upcoming midterms.

Vlad King chimed in confidently, "Class 1-B has been preparing vigorously, and we think that midterms will be very good this year."

Midnight nodded in agreement, adding, "Same for my classes. We seem to have covered everything."

Aizawa inquired, "Yes, 1-A seems to be fine. How about the English department?"

Midnight's expression turned puzzled as she realized, "The English... Oh! Where is Irina?"

Nezu noted, "Hmm, seems that she might not be joining us today."

Midnight remained optimistic, "I'm sure she will show up."

Power Loader, curious about Irina's classes, asked, "How are her classes going? Are the kids doing fine?"

Present Mic, with a grin, replied, "I mean, the kids seem to love her."

Cementoss interjected, "Well, her methods are quite... unorthodox."

Aizawa, intrigued, inquired further, "How so?"

Present Mic jumped in to explain, "I can answer that. She uses interactive teaching methods instead of the traditional bookwork course."

Aizawa raised an eyebrow, considering, "Are the methods effective?"

Nezu interjected with a positive note, "Yes, actually. According to the recent quarter tests, there is a significant increase in English testing scores."

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