Chapter 36

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Yesterday, at The House

Nagisa POV





"Alright, bye guys! Try not to burn down the house this time!" I shouted as I left the house. I needed to grab some contacts from the store, since I needed a replacement.

I guess this whole disguise thing was going well. I look so different from back at my time at middle school. Do I miss my natural hair? Hell yes. But I know this was for the better.

As I walked to the store, I saw that the moon was out, the crescent shape was beautiful.

I'm glad I tried out a new pharmacy. My phone recomended me it- Mimura and Itona did a great job on the programming! I just wish it wasn't so empty around here. I shook it off, thinking it was just the aftereffects of construction. 

I really miss Korosensei, I wished that he was still alive, but I know that it isn't possible. I'm glad it was class 3-E that killed him instead of the government.

When I finally made it to the pharmacy, It was really late. Knowing that I had to get back to UA, I kind of rushed the contacts picking. 

'Did that sales lady have to be so mean..'

When I finished getting the color that Kayano advised me, I quickly put them on. I started to walk home.










3rd person POV

Midoriya turned the corner, only to find himself face-to-face with Dabi, Toga, and Spinner, members of the League of Villains. His eyes widened in fear as he tried to find a way out of the situation.

Dabi gave Midoriya a shit-eating grin (as Sugino would call it), and said with venom in his voice, "Well, well, well, if it isn't the hero in training himself. What a silly coincidence"

Midoriya's eyes widened in alarm and he took a step back, his mind racing with thoughts of escape

'I can't use the stun clap. There are too many people here. I have the blade on my left leg, but I don't know what they would do in the time it would take me to reach for it. Shit.' Midoriya panicked

Trying to stay calm, he managed to get out a "what do you want from me?"

"Oh, nothing much, just a little chat. You see, we've been keeping an eye on you, Midoriya. You're quite the hot topic among our group." Toga said with a smile

Midoriya's grip tightened on his backpack strap, everything in his body telling him to run. He knows what the league is capable and just wanted to find a way out.

"I don't have anything to say to you. Just let me go." Midoriya said, glaring at them

Spinner, taking a step closer, said "Now, now, no need to be rude. We just want to have a friendly conversation, don't we?"

Midoriya glanced around, searching for any sign of help, but the streets are deserted.

'Damn. They caught me off guard. Can't I just catch a break? There's nobody here. No witnesses.. Kill them? No. How would I even do that? Plus, they have powerful quirks, and I'm not trying to die.. Okay. I'm gonna try and fight. Wish me luck, korosensei.'

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