Chapter 50

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Nagisa's head was spinning. Really fast. 

He thought that if he was any more dizzy, he would soon be seeing Koro-sensei and Mrs. Yukimura in heaven.

When that bomb went off and the smoke blocked everyone's view, things happened really fast. Nagisa was grabbed by a pair of strong arms, and he couldn't move. 

When he saw the man behind him, everything in his body turned cold. His face paled and his heart dropped. The man, Takaoka. The man who hurt two of his classmates on his very first day, the man who had challenged him, a middle schooler, to fight with a real knife for the first time. The man who had poisoned his classmates and attempted to kill them if it wasn't for some assassins with hearts. The man who single-handedly taught Nagisa what it meant to feel fear for the first time. And finally, the man who almost killed him on that rooftop.

Nagisa wasn't the type of person to judge quickly, he knew better from his mother. No, he always took the time to read everyone he meets. And right now? Takaoka was dangerous, but not like last time. The safety on Takaoka's gun was off, and there was pure hatred in his eyes. Nagisa knew better than to think everything would be okay. 

Takaoka wasn't completely focused, however, and he tried to take advantage of that. Nagisa quickly pivoted around, and attempted to put Takaoka in a triangle choke hold. Moving fast, all he managed to do was swing an arm around Takaoka's neck, and the result of that?

A sharp pain in the upper left side of his head. 

The minute whatever hit him made contact, Nagisa felt his knees almost buckle. He couldn't hear a single thing, other than the intense ringing. He tried not to cry out in pain, and he swayed right to left. 

He remembered one of Koro-Sensei's lessons, he probably had a concussion. That wasn't really good. He guessed that now he knew better than to pull a fast one. 

What was he thinking? Doing that? Takaoka almost knocked him out, easily, without breaking a sweat! 

Takaoka gave Nagisa another one of his shit-eating grins and leaned close to his ear. 

Nagisa felt himself shudder when Takaoka got close. He soon whispered something in his ear, something that would change the whole situation. 

The minute Takaoka uttered those words into Nagisa's ear, he knew what he had to do. He had to stop Takaoka, no matter what. 

And god, when will his head stop ringing so much?

Nevertheless, Nagisa wasn't the type of person to focus on himself. He was really scared for his friends. 

Oh how he wished he had his comms right now. His classmates were scattered, and nowhere to be seen in the fog. He tried squinting, looking for even the faintest sign that someone was okay. A red streak of hair, shining glasses, he even looked for a sign of one of them talking in another language. But he could see nothing.

That was, until the smoke cleared. 

He was relieved to see that they weren't hurt, he assumed their gear protected them. A faint smile crept on his face seeing his friends support eachother, the remains of Todoroki's ice wall made the room a little colder. It quickly faded when he saw their faces contorting in horror when they saw the condition he was in. 

Unlike them, he wasn't wearing his gear, so the bomb had a bigger effect on him. What really concerned them was him being picked up like a little kid, by the hair. 

Nagisa winced when he felt the cold barrel aimed for his head. 

'Oh.. the gun is pointed right for my brains. How fun.' He sighed, even his thoughts were turning like Nakamura and Karma. Making jokes to cope was something that probably rubbed off on him. 'If he shoots, the bullet goes at a perfect angle to kill me instantly.'

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