Chapter 40

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We made it to 40 chapters! Thank you everyone for the support, i love you guys so much!

The group looked at the spot where the agent was previously laying, only to see a mud-like substance covering the shiny, new floors. 

Class 3-E was a group of good, but inexperienced young assassins. To them, there weren't many things frightening when they had almost died on multiple occasions, and even when they were frightened, they didn't yell. They became even more silent-- even more dangerous.

"Ew! What is this" Yada whined

"Umm..." Meg furrowed her brows in thought

Yoshida made a shushing motion with his hands, and signaled the rest of the group to follow him. 

The kids made their way to a wall that leads to a hallway and hit behind it- using the stealth techniques they learned from Karasuma. It almost reminded them of their field trip to Okinawa when they crept up on Takaoka.


They froze when they heard humming and footsteps. 

"Hey there! Whoever is here right now— you should probably come out. I just want to talk! You hurt my little friend here..."

The group looked at each other, nodded, and walked out, only to see Toga.

Yoshida furrowed his brows. "You're the crazy chick who pretended to be Na—" 

Nakamura stopped him before he could talk. "Midoriya. Where is he and what did you do to him."

"Mmm~" Toga hummed. "Why would I tell you that?" She smiled, licking her lips. "And why do you care about my Izu-chan? Who are you?" She asked with a hint of jealousy

"Answer her question." Kayano said, a deadly tone in her voice. 

"Hold on." Yada interrupted Toga from speaking. She glanced at the positions of the rest of the group, and pretended to fix her hair, subtly touching the comms in her ear and switching to the other group's channel. "You are the person who kidnapped Midoriya? Here? At the new ministry building?" Yada put emphasis on the last part, hoping that the other group wasn't too busy to listen. As long as the others know what's happening, the situation wouldn't escalate. 

Muramatsu looked confused, before Itona pinched him, and he realized what was happening. The rest of the group, catching on to Yada's plan, did the same. Now, the other group could hear what was happening. 

"What do you guys think you're doing?" Toga hissed. 

"Please dont hurt us!" Sugaya pleaded. Any normal person would have thought he was being serious, but the rest of the group knew he was acting. "We want to live! Sorry if we hurt your friend!"

Mimura, catching on, continued. "We were just here exploring... Our friend is missing, we really care about him!"

Kanzaki's eyes widened. "Please miss, if you are going to kill us, atleast tell us where you are hiding him."

"As if." Toga rolled her eyes. Those kids looked really scared, was Shiggy sure that they were dangerous? They don't look like it-- But how did they defeat the double then? 

For a second, Toga was fooled and was about to tell them everything, but she was able to stop herself. 'Leave no witnesses' She sighed. She decided to get this over with as soon as possible, these kids couldn't be that bad.

She turned her head to face Meg. "You're cute. I want to kill you!" She said, smiling like a psycho.

She pulled a knife out of her villian suit and threw it at Meg as fast as she could. This technique never failed her, she had killed countless people with this same tactic. 

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