Chapter 48

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Hey guys! Im not dead, I was just a little busy this weekend to update, I promise to update faster!

(A/N: If anyone is going to skip this chapter, atleast read the last half of it. I would understand if someone skipped this because it seems like a filler, but the last part isn't a filler)

"Ugh." Kayano sighed. "This is so boring!"

The rest of 3-E was waiting at The House for the others to come back. A couple of the boys went to the game room to pass the time, and a bunch of the others just went back to their rooms. 

"I know right?" Nakamura said, on her phone. She was sitting on the couch next to Kayano and a few others. 

"Uhh.." Sugaya said, coming down the stairs. "Are they still not back?" He asked, making his way to the kitchen to find something to eat.

"No.." Yada said, disturbed. "I'm getting worried.." 

"We can check the comms, right?" Meg asked, returning to the couch with a cup of water in her hands. 

"Oh yea.. I forgot about that." Kayano perked up.

"Hey guys!" Kimura said, walking in the room with Mimura and Kanzaki. 

"What are you guys doing?" Kanzaki asked, turning her head to see the kids. 

"Shh" Nakamura put her finger to her lips. "We are trying to hear what's happening to the other group."

"Ohh.." Mimura commented. "Smart."

The kids tapped on their ears and held their breaths, trying to hear what's happening. 

"Uh.." Kayano sweatdropped. 

"Is Hinano.. Crying?" Meg said, confused. 

"I- I really hope you guys can forgive us for h-hurting your f-friend..."

"Oh god, did Karma hurt someone already?" Yada asked.

"Typical." Nakamura snorted. "But I thought this was supposed to be a stealth mission? What are they doing? Being found?"

"I just hope Nagisa's okay.." Kayano averted her gaze, sulking a little. 

"Hey, shake it off!" Kimura said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "He will be fine!"

"Cheer up Kayano, It looks like Hinano is taking care of it!" Meg slightly laughed.

"Alright.." Kayano said, looking a little better.

"We just got really scared of you guys! We didn't mean it..."


"Oh she's really into it." Mimura said, sweatdropping. "You can tell this isn't real.. Who would they be scared of..?"

"Hey, atleast they didn't get caught.. If they did, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be this calm." Yada

"Hey.." Kayano said, frowning. "Does anyone else hear that?" She asked, looking at the others.

"Whispering.." Nakamura said, putting down her phone. "But it's not Japanese.. And they wouldn't be dumb enough to talk in english.."

"Portugeese." Kanzaki said. "Remember that game that Bitch-Sensei taught us?"

"Oh yea!" Kimura laughed. "You won that 'recognize the language' game that we played! It was so fun.. Until Korosensei ruined it." He said, recalling the memory and smiling a bit.


"Ohh.." Sugaya said from the kitchen. "They were doing something while Hinano distracted whoever was there."

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