- chapter 16 -

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She couldn't move. But she had to.

Was it always this hard to breathe?

How was it Finnick would help again? Hands up to mimic the in and down for the out?

Did it even matter?

Cordelia could feel her legs shake as she shuffled forward. She could feel the eyes of the girls all around her, the sympathy. The pity. It wasn't just from the girls her age- everyone was looking at her as if this was her death sentence. Maybe it was. She definitely wasn't as skilled as Finnick and didn't have the same raw strength. She had been training since Finnick's games and she'd improved quite a but it would take a miracle to win. The odds were not in her favour.

Was the stage really that far? Had she made it any closer? She must have, Cordelia could now see the tear tracks down Mags's cheeks. She couldn't bear looking over at Finnick. Despite knowing she hadn't put on a very brave face when walking to the stage, Cordelia still knew that bursting into tears was a huge no-no when trying to gain sponsors. If she looked at him she'd break. Instead, she breathed. Forced the air to come in, let it clear her mind, before letting it out again. Elora was waiting for her at the stairs, offering a hand with a big smile. It was better than the peacekeepers that had taken to blocking the path she'd just taken. Cordelia would take the mess of pink fabric over the hard white shells of the peacekeeper's armour.

"Wonderful! And now for the boys!" Elora's Capitol accent was much more pronounced up close and in person. Cordelia looked over the crowd of her District, searching for the faces of her parents. Elora was still digging around the bowl for the boys, the papers all rustling together as the escort's arm moved. Cordelia looked in all the sections where parents would usually stand. Closest to the stage where all the children with the possibility of being reaped, a row of peacekeepers surround them, followed by parents and families of those who might be reaped, just behind them was everyone else. She looked for a disturbance in the crowd, an indicator her parents had heard her name called and been unable to handle the reality.

But there were no such disturbances. The usual face full of sadness and pity that came when a younger tribute got reaped, but nothing to indicate her parents were there, or even knew. They had to be somewhere though. Everyone was required to attend. It was mandatory. Cordelia would have to pause looking for a moment as the paper shuffling stopped and pulled out a name.

"Theodore Abble."

There was some movement in the crowd as Theodore stepped forward from the eighteen-year-old boys, but he didn't get very far.

"I volunteer!"

That voice, she knew that voice... but from where?

"A volunteer! How exciting and unusual," Elora seemed elated at the fact someone from her District had volunteered. Four may be considered a career District, but they didn't get volunteers like One and Two. This was unheard of. "Tell me, what is your name?" Cordelia's eyes widened.

"Elliot Demire." He replied. Cordelia felt her fear grow slightly. It helped to have a District partner you could trust and rely on if possible. Finnick didn't get that chance, and now it looked like neither would she.

"District Four, I present your two tributes this year, the 66th Hunger Games, Cordelia Reeve and Elliot Demire!" Elora clapped, unbothered when no one followed along. She ushered the two tributes together urging them to shake hands. Elliot gripped her hand so tightly that Cordelia had to hide her wince of pain. Then he surprised everyone when he pulled her hand to his lips and kissed it. Her eyes widened slightly but she let herself smile. The cameras were watching her every move now. It was time to perform, the show had begun.

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