- chapter 21 -

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Elora was waiting for them outside the main door.

"There you two are! Now stop messing around with that District Twelve drunk and come get ready for dinner."

"Coming Elora!" Cordelia called. "Finnick?" It didn't seem like Finnick had even heard Elora at all. There was a big chance he didn't even know she was there. Grabbing Finnick's hand she led him in. "Show me around?" She asked, it seemed to draw him out of whatever thoughts were distracting him. Finnick took the lead, slowing down when Cordelia started lingering to examine the rooms.

"You'll have time to look later Delia, but if you're late to dinner you'll never hear the end of it from Elora." He gave a small tug on her arm. "I promise to show you everything after dinner." Relenting Cordelia kept pace with Finnick.

Hallways were lined with an Axov at every door, which themselves were almost floor to ceiling in height. Finnicks stopped outside one of the doors.

"This is your room. Get ready for dinner, shower, change," He listed. Cordelia blinked at him and he rushed his words. "I'll come and get you for dinner." He concluded. Cordelia smiled, nodded, and stepped inside, letting the door shut behind her.

The room was large, a four-poster canopy bed decked completely out in white. White sheets, white covers. A white couch covered in white cushions. It was odd, seeing as almost every other District Four space had attempted to stay on the ocean theme. Lots of blues, tans and golds. White just wasn't associated with those colours.

Stripping off her dress Cordelia walked into the bathroom. Again any additions were white. The towels, which looked soft enough to be blankets, stood out against the dark blue tiles. The shower had more controls than Cordelia knew what to do with. If she wasn't ready to get this makeup off now she might've gone to find an Avox and have them assist her. But the glitters were scratchy, and the shimmers made her face feel cakey.

If it's cold, it's cold. She accepted. No different from the ocean at night. If she could handle the freezing depths then a cold shower wouldn't kill her. Turning the first dial water sprayed out from the walls, which was unexpected. Though Cordelia supposed everything in the Capitol was unexpected. Maybe it was better to just expect the unexpected.

Leaving that one on, she tried another. Water fell from the ceiling. Reaching her hand in to test the temperature it was freezing. One of the buttons probably changed that. But with no symbols or words to go off of, Cordelia decided it was best to leave it. Better she suffered through an ice-cold shower, which she knew she could handle than accidentally burn her skin off. Taking the rose out from behind her ear, Cordelia left it on the counter near the basin.

It took a while to fully clean herself, with every swipe of her skin more shimmering water was washed away under her. She had rubbed her face raw and used every product available to remove as much makeup as possible. Cordelia doubted she'd gotten all of it off, but most was better than none. Mentally she thanked Finnick, if he hadn't wanted to see her freckles then she would have had no idea that her prep team had covered her top half in a golden highlighter. Using whatever products were in the bathroom Cordelia managed to remove everything she could see and reach. Next time when she asks an Avox to help her figure out the shower controls, she might need to ask for some help bathing herself. It sucked that back home she needed no such help, but with the absurd amounts of makeup in places that did not need it, it might become necessary. Hopefully, the Avoxes wouldn't mind. After her time spent with the prep team earlier today, one Axov helping would be bearable, that is if she could find one willing to help her.


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Cordelia had just finished tying her hair back into a bun, seeing as her hair was still wet and easier to manage than normal, there was a knock on the door.

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