- chapter 18 -

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So many thoughts ran through her head and Cordelia wasn't sure how she would sort through them all. The shower had felt wonderful. Being in water just felt like home, even if the shower had controls that confused her so much, she almost went to grab Finnick. Luckily an Avox jad passed by her room just as she decided asking Finnick was worth the worry he'd have over her seeking him out. The woman had silently listened to her question and quickly moved to set the shower up for her.

Once the shower was on Cordelia politely thanked the Avox, whose facial expression remained neutral, before the woman left and Cordelia let herself stand under the stream and let the day wash away. The towels were fluffy and the thought of not changing and staying in the towel crossed her mind, but she decided against it and picked some clothes from the drawers that were filled with things her size.

In the end, she picked a pale blue silk singlet and soft white pants that flared at the bottom. Then she'd walked to Finnick's room and knocked, he'd answered and they spent some time in each other's company. Not much was said, but Cordelia didn't mind. Finnick braided and rebraided her hair, muttering to himself when her curls didn't cooperate with whatever it was he wanted them to do. It was perfect like they were still in District Four and weren't on a train to the Capitol.

But all good things came to an end. An Avox had come to collect her and send her back to her own room. Finnick had grumbled the whole time about that being dumb but didn't fight as she stood to leave. He did rush to give her his cardigan, stumbling in his haste. "The carts get cold at night." That was his explanation.

He wasn't wrong, the room was cold as soon as she stepped inside. The bed was softer than anything she had ever felt and Cordelia swore she almost sunk into it. Finnick's cardigan, although unnecessary to keep the coldness of the room out seeing as she was surrounded by duvets and blankets, helped anchor her from her own mind. It was a perfect reminder of home, of Finnick. Who, if they were back at home, would be in the same room as her. She hadn't realised how much she would miss it, and this was night one. She had the whole games to get through and she doubted Finnick's cardigan would be an acceptable token. Somehow Cordelia would have to work through this, in the arena she'd be alone.


˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙


Finnick sat on the couch in front of her, papers with hastily scribbled notes spread across the table between them. After breakfast, Finnick had ushered her into a carriage she had never been in before. Mags led Elliot into another carriage further down the opposite end of the train. Perhaps Elliot was keeping to his word. He did not want to be mentored by Finnick. That hadn't stopped him from talking to her all throughout breakfast.

Though, it might have been just to piss Finnick off if the smirk that stayed on his face was any indication. Luckily it didn't seem to affect Finnick, maybe he was thinking about whatever it was he was going to go through with her now.

"So..." He looked up at her, "I've never done this before, so you'll have to bear with me."

With the smile he was giving her, she would wait a lifetime. Was that really her first thought when she was almost certain this was basically her game plan? Cordelia almost slapped her cheeks to get out of her own head and prevent, or at the very least cover up, the blush she knew would form if she focused on Finnick any longer.

"Okay, we're from Four. That gives us the advantage over most of the other Districts." She nodded along to show she was listening and understood. "The only other Districts who train are One and Two. For the moment we need to focus on them as your biggest enemies."

Secrets of the Sea | Finnick OdairOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora