Chapter 83: Breaking The Barrier

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Luo Ciqiu couldn't defeat Yu Bai, so he could only give up talking to her and walked around her, intending to walk in front of her.

But after taking a few steps, Luo Ciqiu's wrist was grabbed by Yu Bai and pulled behind her: "There are too many people, follow me."

Luo Ciqiu looked at the hand that was holding him tightly, and the corners of his mouth pursed in dissatisfaction. No matter what, she still treats him as a child after all, but it is just a waste of time to have useless arguments now. He can only compromise in the end, but sooner or later he has to let her know whether he is a child or not.

At Xia Xiangze's order, the noble soldiers began to break through the second layer of palace protection. The first layer of protection was an automatic attack device, while the second layer of protection was a barrier. The barrier was supposed to be used in conjunction with automatic attacks, but before Yu Bai and the others arrived, the automatic attack device had been destroyed, but Xia Xiangze did not expect that this second layer of protection had not been destroyed yet.

The battle situation is deadlocked here.

"The barrier is easy to defend but difficult to attack. You cannot use brute force, and the barrier will automatically repair itself." Luo Ciqiu spoke, opened the mecha cabin, and handed out a black dagger to Yu Bai, "And the control room of the barrier is usually inside, this knife can cut a small opening, allowing a mecha to enter."

Although Luo Ciqiu didn't say it clearly, he almost revealed who had tampered with the asteroid base barrier that day. Yu Bai sighed, took the knife and pushed him back into the mecha cabin.

Although the people of the empire talk about equality, if they really see the omega on the battlefield, the deep-rooted thoughts in their minds will make Luo Ciqiu the target of public criticism.

Sure enough, although Luo Ciqiu dyed his hair, the light brown color still revealed his omega's gender, and many soldiers who saw it took a deep breath.

"Omega! Why are there omegas on the battlefield!" The panicked voice was like a stone dropped on a calm lake, causing ripples.

"Lieutenant Colonel Xia, do you want to kill us?"

The emotional mecha gradually gathered around.

"Yes, yes! This is a battlefield. If Omega goes into heat, it will kill us! Is it possible that Lieutenant Colonel Xia is actually a member of the royal family? He is actually lying to us!?"

The ambitious man broke the news, the first layer of protection of the palace, but they did not expect that after struggling with the second layer of barrier for a long time, the barrier was as solid as a rock and there was no movement. Now the second layer of barrier was so strong, no one knew what was waiting for them behind it. .

Everyone retreated, and happened to see an omega.

Yu Bai stopped in front of more than a dozen people and said matter-of-factly: "This is my partner, who has been marked permanently by me. Why, you just talk about equality, but in fact you are afraid, so you are willing to be alone. Your relatives went to the Red Lantern Star to feed bugs. Tsk, tsk, tsk, I am different, even if it is permanently marked, but my husband is so beautiful, I have to look at him to have the strength to fight, why, can’t I? Is it bothering you?! "

After the omega is permanently marked, its pheromones will not have any effect on other alphas, so with a little brain use, you will know how to persuade them.

A group of soldiers who had just retreated were speechless under Yu Bai's sophistry, but Luo Ciqiu felt a hot feeling rising from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

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