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taylor swift

STELLA JEAN knocked three times before Trevor came running to his front door, throwing it open as he embraced his friend.

"Hi there SJ." Trevor stepped aside, allowing them
to walk in. "Hey, Georgie, Ads."

Georgia flipped him off at the echo of the nickname leaving his lips. "I'm going to kick you so hard in your pelvis one day."

"He'd probably enjoy it." Addison gave him a once over with a short laugh.

"Not if it was from Georgie." Trevor clicked his tongue, shaking his head. "But maybe from you, Holtzy. A few of the guys from the team are over. That includes your boyfriend, Stells."

Stella shot him daggers as she could him the bickering of teenage boys coming from the basement, the wall being so thin you could hear every word. "Shut up, Trevor."

"Ladies first." Trevor nodded his head towards the staircase, more so towards Stella as she groaned.

She descended down the carpeted stairs, standing awkwardly as the group of turned their heads, stares lingering on the three girls.

"These are my friends." Trevor directed them towards the table. "This is Stella and Georgia, you may have seen them at the rink, and Addison, my future wife."

Addison swatted him at his sentence even if her cheeks flushed a rosy pink.

"This is Alex; but we call him Turcs, Cole, Matt, Cam, and Jack." Trevor introduced the five boys, smiles on each of their faces.

Stella hoped her lingering stare went unnoticed by the brunette as she forced herself to look away, acknowledging the presence of the others.

"Stella?" Cole hummed with familiarity. "Isn't that the girl you absolutely laid out the other day at practice?"

"In the flesh." Stella beamed with tight lips, patting Trevors bicep. "I'm glad you all saw that."

"It was funny." Cole snorted, earning a pinch from Jack as he whined like a baby, rubbing his neck as it tingled. "Ow, dickface."

Matt Boldy eyed the girl on the right, none other than Stella Jean as he felt his throat go dry the longer he admired her. She finally locked eyes with him, shooting him a small but visible smile, he reciprocated.

"So, Addison, what sports do you play?" Cam asked, the group now sitting around, carpets, pillows, and beanbags serving as their chairs.

"I played soccer." Adi hummed while chowing down on a bag of potato chips. "But I sprained my ACL and got a wicked concussion so I am currently out of commission."

Stella bounced her right leg up and down as she chewed her bottom lip, a light touch to her knee had her head snapping over.

"You okay?" Jack asked, low enough for only their ears to hear.

Stella nodded quickly with a hum, not realizing the deep daze she had fallen into. "Yes, all good."

Jack's eyes shifted towards her temple, bringing his hand to peel the bandaid slightly, seeing the wound still fresh. "How does it feel?"

"Besides the migraines, better." Adi could feel her temple beating, unsure if it was from the gentle touch or from the idiotic boy named Trevor Zegras. "You know, if this whole hockey thing doesn't work out, you could totally go for medic."

Jack chuckled, his eyes scrunching slightly. "Usually people say I should model. But, hey, I'll consider it. Maybe I'll rub the feet of Connor McDavid someday."

"Ah." Stella couldn't help but let a laugh escape her lips. " you have a foot kink or something?"

Jack rolled his lips into his mouth, shaking his head. "Definitely not where I was going with that, Stella."

"I don't blame you. McDavid is pretty good looking." Stella had her hands up, pursuing her lips.

"Oh?" Jack cocked a brow with amusement. "So, Stella, are you telling me that's your type?" He watched as she shook her head, wide-eyed. "Then, what is your type?"

Stella had her lips parted, her eyes running over his face. You, Jack Hughes. She wanted to scream at him, letting those three words leave her lips, but she didn't. She just shrugged. "I like pretty boys."

"That can't be it. C'mon, give me details." Jack pried with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." She groaned, rolling her eyes. "Dark or brown hair, definitely. I'm a sucker for light eyes, too. Especially blue ones."

Jack blinked, his lips pulling into a sly smirk. "Correct me if I'm wrong but you totally just described me."

"Did I?" Stella chuckled, pulling at the loose strings of her jeans, the thought of meeting his eyes made her shutter. "You asked me a question, I just answered."

"Mhm." Jack hummed, his eyes never leaving her face. "Aren't you going to ask me now?"

"Sure." Stella glanced at him momentarily. "What's your type, Jack?"

Jack folded his hands, pressing against his bottom
lip. "Dirty blonde. Blue eyes. Oh, and...figure skaters."

To say Stella was flustered barely described the way the butterflies in her stomach swirled. She bit her bottom lip, attempting to contain her smile. "Shut up."

"Just answering the question." Jack shrugged, leaning back into the pillow with a short laugh.

Stella looked at him over her shoulder, his eyes already on her.

"So, Stella." Cole's voice grasped her attention, reminding her that there were other people in the room. "You've known Z since birth?"

"Yep." Stella popped the p. "Literally since birth."

"I don't know how you've kept up with him for seventeen years." Matt finally spoke, earning sharp daggers from the brunette boy across from him.

Trevor scoffed with a headshake. "You love me, Boldy."

"Yeah." Matt nodded, chewing on the straw of his pepsi. "So much, Zegras."

"He's definitely the source of my entertainment." Stella scrunched her nose, poking at his cheek. "How could you not love that face?"

"Only a face a mother could love." Alex added with a snort, earning chuckles from the other boys as Trevor's face twisted with annoyance.

Trevor shook his head, flipping them off. "Whatever, whatever."

not me kicking my feet while writing this

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