twenty two

863 27 9

taylor swift


I COULDN'T stop the shaking of my hands. I was parked out front of Matt's house for minutes, going over the conversation I had practiced in my head at least a million times. I hoped he would take this easy.

I blew out a breath before forcing myself out of my beat-up Honda, walking the short path to his house as I rang the doorbell.

"Stella?" He blinked after opening the door, glancing behind me with confusion. "I didn't know you were coming. You alright?"

"Just fine." I nodded quickly. "Is it okay if I come in?"

Matt parted his lips before shrugging and stepping to the side, allowing me in. I followed him up to his room, sitting on the edge of his bed with my hands folded together in my lap. He joined me, sitting beside me.

"You" He trailed off, staring at me with curiosity like he was trying to read me. "Talk to me, Stella."

"I'm sorry." I blurted, biting down harshly on my bottom lip as I could taste the sour taste in my mouth. "I'm really sorry."

Matt reached for my hand, folding it in his own. "What? Stella..."

"I can't do this." I shook my head, taking my hand back as I folded it back in my lap. "You deserve someone so much better than me. You're so sweet, Bolds."

Matt faltered, running a hand through his hair. "This is because of Jack, isn't it?"

I stayed quiet. I was afraid I'd only worsen it if I spoke. But I had already broke this, him. All of it. My fault.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me, right?" Matt grew angry and I didn't blame him. "So, what? You were just using me until he came running back?"

"No, no." I brought my eyes up to run over his disheveled state. "That is no where near the truth. I liked you Matt, I really did."

Matt ran his tongue along the inside of his cheek. "But you liked him more? Is that what it is?"

"Yes." I nodded. Honesty was my friend here;I think. "I...I wanted to do the right thing. I didn't want to lead you on, Bolds."

"Yeah." Matt swallowed, sulking. "I guess I saw this coming. Once I found out he ended things with Chelsea, I know it was only time before he came scooping you back up."

I wrinkled my nose slightly. "What do you mean?"

"Jack had been talking about it at practice." Matt began. "He said how he ended things with Chelsea because he had feelings for someone else. We all knew it was you, I did too, I just hoped he kept it to himself. But, of course, he went after you."

"Matt, I know you're upset and you have every right to be but please blame me. Don't blame him." I hadn't even realized I was defending Jack, being his own personal shield, ready to take shots to my body if it meant he walked away unharmed. "He's a good..."

Matt chuckled loudly, almost like a cackle. "Gosh, Stella. He really has you looped in. He fucking went after you when he knew we were hanging out."

"In all seriousness, you did it first." I began to grow angry.

"Are you fucking serious?" Matt knitted his brows together, standing up fully. "I did it first? Before you two even started being anything, that night at Trevor's house, I told Jack I wanted to pursue you. That I thought you were intriguing and we'd get along. And what did he do, Stella?"

I stayed quiet. I hadn't known that.

"Exactly." Matt hummed, taking my silence as an answer. "He's a fucking prick. And I know you don't see that now and this little love story will continue on for the next few months but what happens when he gets drafted?"

"What?" I narrowed my eyes at the honey blonde. "What does that draft have to do with anything?"

He crossed his arms over his chest with a cocked brow. "Everyone knows he's gonna go first. The entire fucking world will be talking about him even more than they already are. He'll get drafted, move far away from Michigan probably and forget all about you."

"That's not true." I shook my head. In fact, Jack and I hadn't spoken about the draft once. I made a mental note to myself.

"He will, Stella." Matt shrugged. "He'll kiss you goodbye, end things, and go hook up with girls while he gets paid millions. He's not gonna care once he signs that contract."

I shook my head again. He was wrong. Jack wouldn't do that.

"You're wrong." I nodded to myself. "I'm sorry, Matt. I am. But you don't know Jack like that. You two hate each other."

"Maybe." Matt inched closer to me as I was now on my feet. "I might not know him like that, but trust me, I know the real him. And I know the way that when something better comes along, you're old news. He did it before, right? He'll do it again. Don't come crying to me, Stella."

I had the urge to cry. I stared at Matt with anger burning my face, mainly my eyes. "You're a jerk."

I began to head towards his bedroom door, pausing when he called my name. I turned my head just over my shoulder.

"Stella." Matt blinked. "Just so you know, he's going to break your fucking heart."

And with that, I left.

matty poo i'm sorry 💔💔

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