thirty five

691 16 7



FINLAND WAS everything I dreamed it would be and we had only just gotten here. In fact, we'd only been to our hotel and, we just arrived at the rink.

The Finnish ice hockey team was known for the unbeatable techniques, players far more taller than ours, bulkier too. It was going to be a challenge.

Heinola, Finland was smaller than I had anticipated. The town was well maintained, most of the people being locals which only made me feel even more like an outsider.

Versowood Arena was also smaller in size compared to our rink, but the trophies and banners hanging didn't go unnoticed.

"What are you thinking?" Jack asked, watching me carefully as I eyed the rink, beginning to fill with people.

"It's nice." I nodded, taking in his gear as I looked down at his guarded skates. "Wait, aren't you supposed to be in the tunnel?"

Jack chuckled lightly, scratching the back of his neck as he glanced at the locker rooms. "I am yeah. But, I had to check in with my girl first, right?"

I blushed, rolling my eyes as I shoved at his shoulder lightly. "Your coach is gonna kill me! Go, go. I'll see you after."

Jack leaned in, kissing my softly before jogging back to the tunnel area where his teammates had been waiting for him.

I found my seat, crossing my legs as I was around most of the USA fans, adorning their bright colors and jerseys.

I wasn't as on edge as I thought, this was only their first game. Not to say it didn't count, but it wouldn't affect them dramatically if they lost.

During the duration of the game, my eyes never left numbed 6, watching him work skillfully, skating like a madman. My heart skipped a beat every time he was boarded or fell to the ice. Even with his expert shooting abilities, they were unable to generate anything.

Finland had the go ahead goal, putting themselves on the board as we still trailed. And that's how the game continued for a long two hours.

When the buzzer rang for the final time, the boys were breathless, not being able to find an open space in a goal will do that to you.

I tucked my hair behind my ears as I walked down the stairs, nodding my head at the security guard who let past, leading me directly to the locker rooms where I could hear the coach.

Surprisingly, he didn't sound that angry. He talked with a sense of responsibility, giving them the pep talk to go out and do it again Sunday. Our next game was here, in Finland, against Switzerland.

Cam York was the first to walk out, his ginger hair shorter as he raked his fingers through it. "Hey, Stella."

"Cam." I greeted, keeping my eye out for a certain brunette.

Cole walked out next, stomping over to me like a child as he pressed his forehead against my collarbone, a small whine leaving his lips.

I patted his back in a comforting manner, hiding my laughter. "You alright, buddy?"

He lifted his head, hissing in slight pain. "Did you see how many times I got knocked over? I need a heating pad and an ice pack."

"Poor baby." Trevor squeezed his shoulder, flashing his signature grin at me. "I think she has to worry about her own boyfriend, Cole."

"He does have a point." I nodded, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth. "I'm sure Trevor can take care of you."

Cole glanced at me, dumbfounded. His eyes darting back to Trevor as he hummed with a headshake. "I'm already rooming with him. Isn't that enough?"

As I parted my lips to reply, my gaze shifted to the last person leaving the room. A post-game glow on his skin which denoted to sweat, his gear swapped out for comfortable clothes.

"Our times up, Coley." Trevor rushed him along, nudging me slightly before the two walked off.

"We should go, too. Don't wanna miss the bus." Jack cleared his throat, gesturing to the door as I furrowed my brows, nodding like a deer in headlights.

Now that I think about it, I've never seen him fully after a loss. I know Jack could get down on himself but when you're wearing the C, it's all you think about.

He was quiet on the bus, opposite of his cheery teammates who acted like they had just won. His eyes were shut, leaning against the headrest.

I decided against talking to him, thinking that I should give him space. It killed me because I felt that I wasn't doing enough.

We walked in silence back to our hotel room and I desperately wanted to know what he was thinking. We stepped inside, the door shutting softy behind me.

I chewed my bottom lip harshly, rocking on my heels. "I'm gonna use the bathroom."

As I went to turn into the bathroom, a grip around my wrist had me pausing, pulling me into his chest as he stared down at me.

"I'm sorry." He muttered, shaking his head. "I'm not trying to take it out on you. This is just, like, not how I wanted to start this trip at all. I feel like I should've done more."

I cupped his warm cheeks, running my thumb over his bottom lip as it jutted out slightly. "None of this is your fault. It's a team effort, babe. You'll come back next game."

Jack shot me a closed-lip smile, nodding. "Yeah. I hope."

"I'm proud of you, no matter what." I reassured, standing on my tip toes as I kissed the tip of his nose. "Let's shower and then get some rest, yeah?"

"Yeah." Jack squeezed my hip, kissing the side of my head.


ENCHANTED -'๑'- JACK HUGHESOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant