004. Karaoke Night

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Gracie had loved Lottie's blueberry scone, but not even half as much as she had loved spending time with Dorothea. She was happy Olivia forced her to go to that dinner party; she was originally going to stay home. It's crazy how much those small decisions can affect our way of life. If Gracie had stayed in bed and binge-watched some stupid sitcom like she'd originally planned, she wouldn't have met Dorothea Bishop.

"World to Gracie?" Abby cooed, waving a hand in front of her cousin's face. "Where did ya go? You were completely gone for a moment," she asked when Gracie zoned back into the real world and looked at her with a still fairly absentminded smile.

Gracie waved her cousin off and turned her attention back to the TV screen where Gilmore Girls were playing on its fourth season. Gracie had watched the show several times, but Abby had never seen it before and wanted to start it with her beloved cousin.

"Who's Dorothea? I've never heard that name before." Abby asked, looking at Gracie's phone, which had just lit up with a message. Her lips curled into a small smirk when she saw a pink tint creep onto Gracie's face. "Is that where you were just then? You were thinking about Dorothea!"

"I was not!" Gracie exclaimed, sounding as flabbergasted as ever. "I don't even know who this Dorothea girl is! Abby, you can't just make up people like that! I'm pretty sure this is the starting point for schizophrenic people." The cousins sat in silence, both impressed by how casually Gracie let out that amount of pure bullshit and also wondering how exactly she did it. "So...what did she text?" Gracie asked in a curious voice, breaking the silence.

𝘿𝙤𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙖: 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵? 𝘮𝘺 𝘣𝘶𝘥𝘥𝘺 𝘰𝘸𝘯𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘬𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘰𝘬𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦'𝘴 𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘣𝘢𝘳 10 𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 1

"So? You gonna do it?" Abby asked, sticking her head out over the phone, blocking Gracie's view of it. "I think you should, open bar's always fun."

Gracie pushed her cousin away and looked at her with a stern expression. "Abby! You're a child; you can't drink! You're only 19!"

Abby shrugged at Gracie. "It's legal in Europe," she mumbled, throwing a pillow at Gracie as revenge for her pushing her away before. "And you shouldn't talk; I know for a fact you drank long before you turned 21; don't even try to lie to me."

"I did no such thing!" Gracie gasped, defending her honour. "And for your information — not that it's any of your business — but yes, I am gonna do it," she said, unlocking her phone and responding to Dorothea, telling her that she'd love to spend her Friday night getting drunk and singing with her.

In fact, getting drunk and screaming her lungs out with Dorothea sounded like the best way to spend her Friday night.

"Bro, what do you even wear to something like this?" Gracie asked, looking back at Olivia, who was seated on her bed, scrolling through Instagram, paying no mind to the stressed girl in front of her. "Olivia?! C'mon, I need your help!"

Olivia groaned, but she still put down her phone and gave Gracie her undivided attention. Together, they picked out the perfect outfit for the night, and before she realised it, Gracie was in the back of an Uber, making her way to Neon Cove — the karaoke bar owned by Dorothea's buddy.

To say she was nervous was an understatement, but it wasn't the karaoke part of the night — she was a professional singer, after all. No, it was the 5'7, hazel-eyed brunette who somehow had managed to worm her way into a deep corner of Gracie's heart — and incredibly fast at that.

"Gracie!" A familiar voice shouted, catching Gracie's attention. "Hi Grace!" Dorothea smiled, walking up to the girl and wrapping her in a long hug. "I'm so happy you wanted to do this; I've missed you!"

Unbeknownst to Dorothea, her words had an immense effect on Gracie. She felt her heart skip a beat and her knees weaken. Dorothea had missed her...Dorothea had missed her.

And she'd definitely also missed Dorothea.

Surprisingly, the girls didn't consume a lot of alcohol despite the open bar — feeling weirdly drunk off of each other's company. What they did a lot of, though, was sing (if that's what you wanna call the sounds coming out of their mouths).

The rest of the bar must've hated them for their loyalty to Miss Taylor Swift, but for the first time since she turned 13, Dorothea didn't care what others thought of her. She was happy, and she was having fun with Gracie, and that was all that mattered.

"Can we sing one of your songs next?" Dorothea shouted over the loud music. "21?" She suggested, pulling out her best puppy eyes. They seemed to help her out in a lot of situations — she always got her way when she brought them out.

Gracie hesitated, but when she saw the look in Dorothea's eyes, she caved. She watched Dorothea happily skip to the request list, and she couldn't help but smile. Dorothea seemed so happy, and Gracie found her adorable when she was just that.

"Okay, it's after this one; I can't wait!" Dorothea exclaimed, taking a seat next to Gracie again, their arms touching and sending a weird wave of warmth through each of their bodies. "I love 21, you don't understand!"

"You listen to my music?" Gracie smirked, watching in pride as Dorothea's ears turned beet-red.

The Bishop girl shrugged, looking down at her lap to hide her flushed face. She did listen to Gracie's music; she loved listening to Gracie's music. The lyrics and the voice mixed together in the most perfect way possible, and Dorothea often found herself wailing at every song.

"The song just ended, let's go!" Gracie grinned, grabbing Dorothea's wrist and dragging her up on stage.

The two girls sang their hearts out; Gracie, being the one to have written the song, clearly had a special connection to it, but Dorothea, most likely one of the top listeners of it, definitely had one as well.

Dorothea sounded like shit and was probably on the verge of getting them thrown out. Gracie, on the other hand, sounded like the angel she was. Dorothea purposely inched closer to Gracie, just to get a clearer sound of her voice. She kind of envied Gracie; how could one girl be so greatly talented while also being absolutely perfect in every other aspect?

Not only was she funny, the Gracie girl, but she was also incredibly empathetic and seemed to always know the exact right words and when to speak them. Dorothea felt a hundred percent safe with Gracie, like they were in their own little world every time they were together.

Take the karaoke bar, for example; Dorothea would've never done it if it wasn't for Gracie. She would've been too scared of what people thought of her; if they judged her and thought she was horrible at singing. But with Gracie, all of that didn't matter.

And it was an incredibly freeing feeling.

Author's Note
I turn 16 in five days and I am losing my mind
Aging is genuinely my biggest fear

Anyway, here you go; the fourth chapter
I hope you liked ittt

Lots of love,

SWEET NOTHING , Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now