011. Happy Birthday!

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"Leonora Daphne! Please stop eating the snacks. They're for later, for the guests." Dorothea batted her sister's shoulder with the spatula in her hand. "Make yourself useful and go blow up the balloons over there."

It was 5 p.m., and Dorothea was racing around the house to make sure everything was perfect for the surprise party. Olivia and Leonora, her supposed helpers, turned out to be more of a hindrance than an advantage. All they did was eat the snacks and throw balloons in Dorothea's face.

She was about to commit homicide, or perhaps suicide was a better idea. Either way, Dorothea was nearing the point where she couldn't take it anymore. She hated how much she strived to make the party perfect for Gracie. It only confirmed how badly she had fallen for the brunette.

Their kiss sat prominently in her mind, so much so that she was convinced it had its own throne up there. She couldn't think of anything but the feeling of Gracie's soft lips on hers. She craved that feeling; she'd craved it ever since she pulled out of Gracie's driveway a few hours ago.

She and Gracie had decided to keep the kiss to themselves. It was no one's business but theirs, and they preferred to keep it between them and no one else. Not because it was a mistake, but because they wanted to figure out the status of their relationship on their own without their opinion being coloured by the world around them.

It pained Dorothea to walk away from Gracie after their kiss, but she needed to get to Olivia's house to get the party ready, and Gracie needed some space to grasp the events of the morning.

"Earth to Dorothea?" Conan waved a hand in the Bishop girl's face and smiled when she finally awoke from her trance. "Where were you, dude? I've been calling your name for, like, hours."

Dorothea slapped Conan's hand away and shook her head, her way of waving him off now that her hands were full. "Just got lost in my head for a moment; it's nothing. What did you want?"

"Well, it's almost eight; just wanted to tell you that Madi and I are gonna go pick up Gracie now," Conan said, his eyes scanning Dorothea's features, concern lacing his gaze. "Are you sure you're alright? You seem a little...I dunno, weird?"

"Wow, thank you, Conan; I really appreciate that!" Sarcasm laced Dorothea's words, but Conan didn't react. "I'm fine, Cone; don't worry. Go get Gracie and make sure you don't spoil the surprise; you suck at keeping secrets."

Conan sent her a middle finger but placed a quick peck on her cheek as he rushed past her and into the foyer where Madison was waiting for him. Dorothea followed after him and rested against the doorframe, watching as he tied his shoes.

"Remember, act like you're coming from Madi's house and picking Gracie up on the way because we're hanging out here at Liv's." She reminded her two friends as they were on their way through the front door. She chuckled to herself as Conan's thumbs-up appeared through the gap between the door and the wall and sighed when the front door slammed shut.

She was so tired. Ever since she arrived at Olivia's house, she'd been worrying about the party. She was scared she hadn't planned it well enough. What if the guests found it boring? What if they thought of her as an uninteresting person? And worst of all, what if Gracie didn't like it?

A lot of people in the world hate surprises, and Dorothea had no idea if Gracie was one of them. She hadn't thought about that, not until now as she stood there, waiting for her friends to return — this time with the brunette singer by their side.

But now was no time to worry. She couldn't do anything about it, anyway. Gracie would be there soon, and Dorothea had to make sure everyone was in position before the Abrams girl's arrival.

"Gracie will be here in 15 minutes max! If you see any trash on the floor or a crooked decoration, please do something about it! This party has to be perfect." She shouted, cringing at her own desperation. She sounded like she was in love with Gracie or something under the same level of insanity.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GRACIE!" A choir of friends shouted as they popped up from their various hiding spots. Gracie's hand flew to her chest, and the other one slammed over her mouth. She looked around the room, the surprise evident on her face.

When her gaze reached Dorothea, she stopped and stared at the girl. The corners of her mouth curled up in a soft smile, and she wasted no time before throwing herself into Dorothea's warm embrace.

"I have a feeling this is your doing?" Gracie whispered, looking at Dorothea with the same soft grin portrayed on her lips.

Dorothea planted a quick peck on her forehead and looked back into her beautiful eyes. "Olly's idea, my doing. Got some help, though." She smiled and nodded towards their friend group. They all waved and smiled at Gracie, patiently awaiting their hug from the birthday girl.

"You're amazing, Dory. Thank you for this," Gracie mumbled, giving Dorothea yet another hug. "Thank you everyone! Thank you for being here; I really appreciate it." She smiled at the crowded room and squeezed Dorothea's shoulder before detaching herself from the Bishop girl and heading out to greet her guests.

Dorothea watched the singer interact with all her friends, and a subconscious smile crept onto her face. Seeing Gracie in her element was so freeing. She seemed so carefree, like she'd been rid of all her worries.

She wished she could do that, Dorothea. She had worries running through her head from when she woke up in the morning till she went to sleep at night, and sometimes even beyond that. It was tiring.

The Bishop girl felt a presence behind her, and then she heard an all-too-familiar voice. A voice so aggravating yet so friendly and dear. "So, tell me, did y'all actually fuck that one night?"

"Olivia! C'mon, dude!"

Author's Note
Forgot I was supposed to publish this

Hugs and all that,

SWEET NOTHING , Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now