Chapter 14

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IT WAS THE NEXT MORNING, THE sun shining in the room as, once again, the thin sheets they placed on the windows; not doing any justice as the bright light from the sun, beamed down on Samaria and Soya, making them both groan.

Kimora wasn't there, speaking of. She left in the middle of the night, Samaria would guess it would've been at least 2 in the morning. However, she didn't question her leaving at such a ridiculous hour, seeing what she does.

Samaria really wanted to ask her questions about it, but it wasn't her place, and she wasn't close to Kimora yet, so she felt like asking such a personal question like that would be weird.

Samaria was the first one to get up, leaving the room and back into the living room; seeing Marion in the room on the couch counting money. He looks up, seeing her walk in, "Good Morning."

"Morning." Samaria says back, with a smile on her face. "What are you up to?"

"Just counting how much we have for the week." He says simply. "When everyone else wakes up, we going to my friend's house to shower. That's where we go whenever we need to."

Samaria nods, answering all of her questions, she brings up one that's been on her mind since she came. "I need clothes."

Marion hums, realizing that she really didn't have any clothes, remembering she did get robbed from the last clothes she had. "I'm sure Kimora got some clothes you can wear, she has a lot of them."

"Yeah I don't mind." Kimora says, popping from the back of the house. "I have alot that I can't fit anymore, so I'm sure you can fit some. I have new pairs of underwear too."

Samaria thanks her, really wanted to change out of the clothes she had on for almost two days.

Jayden is next to come into the room, his hair was flat on one side as he sleepily walks in. From what it seemed, it looked like he had the best sleep of his life.

"You look crazy." Samaria says, laughing at his hair. He doesn't say anything, still rubbing his eyes as he walked over to the trio. "Mornin' muthafuckers."

Samaria smacks his arm, earning an 'ouch' from the teen. Rubbing his arm, he shrugs his shoulders at what he said. "That's my lingo man."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now