Chapter 16 *

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a/n: andrew's chapters are all considered in the past, this will be the last chapter that's a few days behind; before everyone's timeline aligns next time you see andrew's chapter. please read his chapters, to better understand the story. <3



THIAGO WAS IN COATESVILLE WITHIN two hours, pulling up fast to the hideout that Andrew told him about. As soon as Andrew got in the car, he lectured him like he was a little kid; All the way back to his house, saying how he was stupid for doing the things that he did, and that he had to lay low for a good while, seeing that he heard his name plastered all over the radio when he got near his friend— now hearing that he caused an accident on the interstate and is now wanted for being on the run.

Andrew honestly wasn't paying attention to anything. He had too much going on in his head to even worry about if he was going to jail, it's crazy to say, but he had been on loose screws since Samaria left that night. So anything he does now, doesn't matter to him.

"Another thing." Thiago brings up in the conversation, Andrew was leaning on the door, halfway asleep with dried blood still on his forehead. He didn't feel like being bothered, his head was currently pounding and he desperately needed a drink. So frankly, whatever Thiago was about to say, he genuinely didn't care about.

"Your mom is going to be living with you."

"What?!" He sits up quick, hissing at how sore his body was, mentally forgetting that he just got out of a pretty bad accident— two might I mention. Forget what he said about not caring about what his best friend had to say. This was something he couldn't ignore.

"I thought she was back in Philly?" He grumbled, but it came out as a mumble as he mainly talked to hisself, looking out the window like a stubborn child who got told no. He didn't mean to act like it, but how would you feel if you just got told that you're back living with your mom who you despised your whole life?

"I thought so too. Once she heard you were wanted, she insisted that she'd come stay with you in the back house I'm letting you crash at." He explains. "I tried to tell her no, I really did, you know how your mom is Drew."

"Should've never answered." He grumbled, mentally preparing his self for the bullshit he's about to face.

"I'm sorry. You know how she is." Thiago says, Andrew waves him off, not wanting to hear his stupid excuse of an apology. He loves his friend, but sometimes he does some questionable things. He could've simply hung up after hearing her voice, so why the hell was she staying with him?

The drive was quiet, Thiago flying but cruising on the interstate as he tried to quickly get back to his house. It was awkward, but not enough to where things felt weird.

"Where's Samaria?" Thiago says, mentioning the young teen who he just realized wasn't with him. It surprised him, knowing that Samaria was Andrew's pride and joy.

Andrew's heart race at the mention of her name, he doesn't say anything, keeping his eyes closed hoping he just leaves the situation alone. Not wanting to bring up the topic and potentially lose his mind in the car.

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