chapter 1.

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I wanted to fix what I'd broken,
even if I wouldn't be able to remember.


Sana's POV

"Whenever I miss you, I just look up at the blue sky."

I'd raise my eyes to the canvas of the sky whenever I would long for his presence. It used to be a boundless expanse of blue, his favorite color.

And I did, even though I know I'd only be disappointed by the inky blackness that surrounded the stars, a suffocating shroud for a suffocating grief.

"But why... why is the sky black now?"

My memories with him are the only thing that's keeping me alive at this point. I'm falling apart.

I can't live like this.

I don't know how I can get rid of this pain. It felt like someone had squeezed their hand into my ribcage, their grip constricting with every beat of my heart.

Alcohol and cigarettes won't fix it ― they were his escape, but for me, they were a cruel reminder of everything I'd lost.

Maybe jumping into this river can.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" A deep voice of a man pierced through the night air as an arm suddenly yanked me by my waist, pulling me out of my trance.

The first detail that registered was a glint of silver ― a ring adorning a lip. My blurry vision couldn't make out the face above it.

Why would some stranger show up here? Did I look like I need a guest?

"What are you doing? Who are you?" I shook myself off from his grip. Thankfully, he let go of me right away.

It was dark, so I couldn't see his face clearly. He wore a black hood, which made him appear almost like a grim reaper, to be honest.

"Why are you just standing there like some grim reaper? Did you come here to take me too?" I demanded, frustration creeping into my voice.

I just heard a sigh.

"Ya! Speak up!" I shouted after him, but he simply turned and walked away.


I woke up to someone annoyingly poking my shoulder with a baton, followed by a loud whistle. Sunlight speared through my eyelids, sharp and unwelcome.

As I blinked against the bright sunlight, I found a policeman towering over me.

My head throbbed as I tried to piece together what was happening, I gradually became aware that I had passed out on a bench beneath a waiting shed.

Glancing around, my hand instinctively went to my pocket. Keys, phone, wallet - all there.

While my other hand was still clutching a bottle of soju.

People shuffled past, casting disgusted looks my way. Their gazes felt like physical blows, but I couldn't muster the energy to care.

Quickly, I rose to my feet, my movements sluggish and uncoordinated. The world tilted slightly as I mumbled an apology to the officer, the words coming out slurred and thick. Thankfully, a bus pulled up just at the right moment. A lifeline.

As I was about to tap my card on the reader, an arm extended over my shoulder, beating me to it. I flinched, but instead felt the tap of another card. I didn't dare look up, so I just tapped mine right after.

I was relieved to find a seat I found by the window, but a guy wearing a black hoodie immediately took it, leaving me no choice but to go further at the back.

I realized I was still holding the empty soju bottle when an old lady kept glancing at it, her eyes judging me so hard. I just tucked it under my coat and looked away as if I don't look miserable right now with my bird nest hair and alcohol scent.

The bus lurched to a stop, jolting me back to the present. Stepping forward to get off, I bumped into a broad back. We'd both lunged for the exit at the same time. It was the hoodie guy, the one who took my seat.

Thankfully, he didn't stumble. I mumbled a half-hearted apology, my voice as flat as the affectless drone of the bus driver announcing the next stop.

Reaching my apartment building, I spotted the landlady pounding on my door.

Great. Just flipping great.

A wave of exhaustion washed over me, heavy and suffocating. Closing my eyes, I took a deep, shaky breath, each inhale a battle against the crushing weight of despair.

"Good morning, Mrs. Nam," I croaked, my voice barely a whisper. "I'm right here."

When she turned to look at me, I knew it was gonna be hell. I hadn't been able to pay for rent for months now, so she comes here every week, banging on my door to remind me or I'll be kicked out of the apartment.

She wasn't the nicest landlady, but I needed a house and the rent was cheap, though I still couldn't afford it.

She launched into her usual tirade, a litany of complaints and thinly veiled threats of eviction. Her words were a dull roar in the background, my mind already swirling with all these problems I was currently facing at the moment ― I lost my job yesterday, and I already spent all my savings.

Mrs. Nam's words were no longer audible. I just looked down and mumbled "I'm sorry."

Seokjin, one of my new neighbors who also became a friend of mine, chimed in a few moments later and tried to talk to the landlady.

Dealing with angry people seemed to be one of his many talents ― his charm, a weapon that could disarm even the most ferocious landlady. He flashed me a reassuring smile and a silent nod towards the door, a silent "go inside."

I just nodded and mouthed a small "thank you" as I went in.

Stepping inside, my gaze fell on the pair of shoes by the doorway ― his shoes. Tears welled in my eyes, and a heavy ache settled in my chest as I removed my own shoes, placing them beside his.

"I'm home," I called out, hoping my presence would dispel the gloomy atmosphere surrounding me.

But no one responded.

No one would ever respond because he was already gone.

Wonsik was gone.

:::::::::::::::: end of the chapter ::::::::::::::::

a/n: i didn't use a celebrity/idol character for wonsik. just imagine what he looks like. :)

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