chapter 8.

73 7 2

London, England
December 2015
8 years ago


Jungkook's POV

"Mom, come on, it's just Busan! Jimin will be waiting for me at the airport, relax." I said, giving my mom a reassuring smile. She got this worried look like she was expecting me to get snatched by aliens. "I'm twenty-two, you know."

"I know, I know," she said, patting my cheek one last time. "But you gotta promise to update me as soon as you land, okay?"

I am flying to South Korea for the first time. It's my first out of the country trip so I could understand where her worries were coming from. It would also be my first Christmas without her as I would be staying there until January.

I've never been in Korea before, despite me being a Korean myself.

I was born and raised in London. Almost everyone in the family immigrated to London before I was even born.

But even though I wasn't raised there, my mom made sure I learned the language. She really instilled a connection to our roots in me, and I really admire her for that.

So, back to the real reason for my trip to South Korea. Jimin hyung. We met two years ago at a pub in London ー funny story, he was a heartbroken tourist back then. I didn't even know why I ended up being his shoulder to cry on, just some stranger at the bar.

Anyway, long story short, we hit it off. I've learned that he's a pastry chef. It turned out we both have the same interests in most things... especially, girls? Just kidding, that was mostly me. Jimin hyung is too loyal.

Actually, that girl who broke his heart years ago, that's the same girl he's going to marry in four days. Her name's Mina. Jimin introduced me to her when he brought her to London on one of his visits. I could see they're perfect for each other. So, now, I'm flying to South Korea for their wedding.

My dad actually gave me the travel money as a graduation gift. I just finished my degree in archaeology. I've always been interested in ancient history and cultures, thrilled with the idea of working with people from around the globe. But one thing I've always wanted ever since I was younger is cooking. I've always admired my cousin Yoongi and my dad in the kitchen, and even my mom's skills are impressive.

The thought of being able to blend flavors from different cultures seems really fun for me. My passion for both fields has inspired me to consider enrolling in culinary school, perhaps after I return from this month-long trip to Korea.


It was 5am when I arrived at Busan. In the distance, Jimin hyung was waving his hand while holding a paper with my name written on it. I was surprised I spotted him instantly.

He drove me straight to the house I'd rented for a month in Yeongdo-gu. "The house is much larger than I thought, it's too huge for me." I blurted out as soon as we set foot in the house. It has three bedrooms: a single one with king-sized bed for myself, a larger room with two beds, and a smaller one with a single bed. It even has a pool and a balcony.

"It's like I'm renting a house for a family."

"It's not like you'd be alone for long," he responded and gave me a knowing look, that look that said: he knew it wasn't long before I bring a girl home. I just shook my head and collapsed onto the couch with a laugh.

"How about lunch with Mom later? She's been itching to cook for you," Jimin said with a yawn, stretching his arms wide. "But I'm gonna sleep for a bit. You should too, catch some rest."

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