chapter 18.

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Sana's POV

The last rays of the sun were disappearing as we arrived in Busan. Street lamps flickered to life, casting a warm glow on the unfamiliar streets.

Busan felt different from Seoul, Seoul being the bustling capital with towering skyscrapers and flashing neon signs. Here, the air smelled like the salty sea breeze, and the houses seemed more spread out, nestled between rolling hills.

But even though I was finally here, in my hometown, a part of me already wanted to leave. What if I didn't fit in? I didn't know anyone here. I barely even know Jungkook.

The truth was, I was scared. Scared that I won't remember anything at all. Scared that my life here might be even harder.

Part of me wanted to ask Jungkook if he could drive me back to Seoul, but I couldn't. The car was already getting slower and slower, finally pulling over to a stop to an open concrete fence where I could see a small house in the distance.

"Are we here?" I asked.

"Yep, welcome home," Jungkook replied, offering a small smile that I couldn't return, the knot in my stomach tightening.

"Ready to go?" His reassuring look tried to calm me, but my nerves persisted. I simply nodded and followed him out of the car. He went to the back to grab my things. I offered to help, but he insisted he could manage, so I only had my worn backpack slung over my shoulder.

With both arms full of paper bags, Jungkook led the way as we approached the small house just steps away from the concrete fence. He knocked on the door, and I stood anxiously behind him, waiting. After a few seconds, the door opened, revealing a young man standing in the doorway.

A surprised giggle escaped the lad's lips as he called out, "Jungkook hyung?!" He couldn't contain his excitement and immediately called out to someone inside. "Omma! Look, Jungkook hyung is here!"

Jungkook was a giant, and the mountains of shopping bags he carried completely blocked me from view. The young man didn't even notice me there. My stomach lurched.

What was I supposed to do? Maybe I should just bolt? Run away and hide somewhere?

"What brings you here?" he asked Jungkook.

"I brought someone home," Jungkook replied with a smile. And before I could react, he stepped to the side, and suddenly I couldn't hide behind him anymore.

I stood there, feeling awkward, as the boy's smile vanished. His jaw dropped in shock when he saw me.

"Noona?!" he shouted, his voice laced with disbelief, like he'd seen a ghost.

A woman in her fifties hurried out, her face etched with concern after hearing the commotion. "Sunoo, what's all the yelling? Dinner's almost ready-" Her words died in her throat as her eyes landed on me. Her expression mirrored the boy's pure shock.

"Sana?" she breathed, barely a whisper.

I learned that the woman I met was my aunt, Mikyung, who had taken on a parental role for me after my parents passed away. The young man, Sunoo, was my cousin whom I had treated like a little brother.

Sunoo's vibrant aura, constantly smiling with twinkling eyes as he showed me to my room, and Mikyung's gentle voice, constantly expressing how much she missed me, seemed to ease my nerves a little.

Their warm welcome somehow felt comfortable, but I couldn't deny that it was equally overwhelming. After all, they were still strangers to me.

The house has much bigger space than my tiny apartment back in Seoul. It feels really warm and inviting as we stepped inside. Sunoo showed me my old room and helped me carry all the things Jungkook bought for me at the mall.

On That Day We | sakookWhere stories live. Discover now