chapter 11.

64 7 5

 56 Seomyeon-ro, Busanjin-gu, Busan
January 2017

Jungkook's POV

I came entangled in a maze of stores, each competing for attention with their bright displays and enticing products. I glanced back over the screen of my phone, trying to trace the map of the streets of Seomyeon District before me. There was too many clothing boutiques everywhere.

Amidst an array of stores, one name shone out from where I stood: The Lily. Its massive sign loomed overhead. Lovely flowery dresses were displayed in the warm glow of the afternoon sun through the pristine glass windows. Sana had been working at The Lily as an assistant manager since November.

A rush of excitement ran through me as I made my way through the crowds of people, my heart racing as I anticipated my girlfriend's lovely face welcoming me.

Soon, I'd get to see Sana's lovely smile, the best reward after a tough semester at culinary school. I couldn't wait to surprise her.

As soon as I opened the door, my excitement slowly faded as no familiar face greeted me. The only people there were a few employees and a woman behind a counter, who I assumed was the manager. Because the store was pretty small, a scan around the tight space hardly took any time at all. Maybe Sana was at the back, at some office, or in their stockroom.

I approached the counter. A woman with straight, dark hair with blonde streaks met my gaze and greeted me.

"Excuse me," I began after greeting her back, "is Minatozaki Sana here?"

She stared at me for a time, then straightened and leaned casually on the counter. "No. May I ask who you are?" she asked.

"I'm Sana's boyfriend," I said, a flicker of curiosity dancing across her features.

"You're the boyfriend?" was her reply, her eyes narrowing as if suspecting my answer.

"Yes..." I said, mirroring the curiosity in her eyes. "I was wondering if she went to work today."

"Yes, she did. It's her lunch break," she said.

I glanced at my watch. 12:17 p.m. Right, it was indeed her lunch break.

"Probably eating with that weird guy again..." she continued.

My brow furrowed in confusion, my attention snatched by her words. "Who?"

"Just the weird barista from the café she usually goes to," she laughed, "I had actually mistaken him for her boyfriend. He's always hanging around her, at lunch, during breaks. He even gives her rides home sometimes," she said, her tone somewhat amused. "Only to find out I was wrong and that she actually has a good taste."

I am aware of the coffee shop. Sana had mentioned a few times in our late-night phone calls. Even if I live on the other side of the world, she will vividly paint pictures of the places she frequents. And I remembered Sana telling me that she made a friend there. A man in his early 30s. I just forgot his name.

"Yes, she mentioned him," but I didn't think she brought up that they were hanging around that often as described by the lady.

"Thank you..."

She said, "Sooyoung," and held out her hand to shake mine. At first, the friendly gesture startled me, but I nevertheless shook her hand. "Thank you, Sooyoung."

She asked, "Your name?" Surprised by the sudden question, my eyebrows raised as I uttered a reply, "Jungkook." I gave her a half smile and walked out of the store.

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