chapter 10.

37 5 2

September 2016

Jungkook's POV

After finishing the first term at culinary school, I headed back to Korea for a week to catch up with my girlfriend, Jimin hyung, and some of our friends.

It had been six months since we'd been together and honestly, it still feels like a dream. We'd been talking to each other almost everyday despite the huge gap between our timezones. I miss her more everyday. It was tough that I only get to see her for a week in months.

Long distance relationship truly sucks, but I'm still grateful for the time that we do get to spend together.

On my birthday, which I wasn't able to spend with her, I celebrated with my mom, while Sana's on video chat with us during dinner. It had been fun. My mom liked Sana very much and Sana was blushing all throughout because of my mom's showering compliments, which was an adorable sight to see.

And now, here I was in front of her bedroom door with a bouquet of pink chrysanths.

Mikyung, Sana's mother, patted my shoulder with a warm smile and gestured for me to knock on the door. Sunoo, Sana's 13-year-old brother, joined in to witness what was about to happen. The little boy was smiling from ear to ear because of excitement.

We'd grown close since my last visit a few months ago. Mikyung had been incredibly welcoming, especially when Sana and I told her that we were officially a couple.

Later on, it was then revealed to me that Sana wasn't Mikyung's biological daughter. Her parents had tragically died in a car crash when she was 16. Mikyung, one of Sana's few remaining relatives, took her in as Sana's other relatives, all on her father's side, lived in Japan.

I softly knocked on the wooden door to my girlfriend's bedroom with her mother beside me to use her voice so Sana wouldn't be able to guess I was on the other side of the door, "Sana, can I come in?"

"Yes, omma," she responded right away. With Mikyung's reassuring smile, I opened the door.

I knew Sana was upset with me because I hadn't been answering her calls or responding to her texts.

But how could I, when I was on a flight heading straight to her?

I felt guilty, but I was determined to see her surprised reaction firsthand.

And now, standing before her, I could see it clearly. Her eyes were wide, brimming with tears; her mouth hung open as she sat frozen on her bed, gazing into my eyes. Within a matter of seconds, tears began streaming down her cheeks.

I rushed to her to give her a tight hug, kissing the top of her head as she clung to me while she cursed my name.

"I hate you, Jeon Jungkook," she sobbed. Too adorable.

"I'm sorry, baby. I missed you so much."

I wiped her tears as soon as we pulled away. Her arms were still around me as she wept with her puppy eyes looking up at me.

"I missed you too," she replied while glaring at me. Her expression softened as I handed her the fresh flowers I bought for her.

"Thank you," she said, a sweet smile blooming on her face. "Why can't I stay mad at you?"

"Maybe because I'm too charming?" I teased and she shook her head with a light chuckle.

She stood up to set the flowers down and asked, "What time did you land?"

"About a couple of hours ago," I replied, the jet lag pulling at me as I settled onto the bed, closing my eyes.

The mattress sank beside me and her hand gently stroked my hair. "Take a rest for now, okay? I'll wake you up when it's dinner time," she murmured, planting a soft kiss on my forehead.

Humming in agreement, I snuggled closer, wrapping my arms around her as I drifted off to sleep.


My seven-day vacation went by in a blur. I really didn't want to fly back to London yet, but culinary classes will begin in three days.

We spent the last day together here in the huge house I rented. Just a simple cozy day with us watching horror movies and cooking together.

Aside from the fact that she's incredibly distracting in the kitchen because of how gorgeous she is, I have learned that she only knows one recipe in her life ― Vietnamese spring rolls.

Now as we cuddled on my bed, we shared a comfortable silence before I asked her, "How's your job hunting?"

Sana sighed before answering, "I emailed dozens of job applications to multiple companies already. Not one of them responded. Maybe my luck is running out..." she trailed off as she glanced up at me with a pout, "because you're not here with me."

My heart clenched, it was either because of the sadness in her eyes or just her cuteness. "You'll land the perfect job, they're just waiting for you to come to them. I have no doubt. You're amazing..." I leaned in to give her lips a soft peck. "And I'm always here for you. Keep that luck in your heart, okay?"

"I love you," she mumbled.

That's what I heard, or so I thought.

I blinked and stared at her blankly, unsure if I had heard the words right.

"What did you say?" I whispered, which made her burst into giggles.

"Why are you whispering?" She softly asked, taking my face in her hand, caressing it softly.

"Yes, you heard it right. I love you, Jeon Jungkook."


a/n: i'm sorry for making their bonding time so short, guys. these are just flashbacks so i've been keeping it brief because their present encounter is really the main focus of the plot. the flashbacks were just there to give you hints of what's going on.

but i wanna know what you guys think, i'm SO SO intrigued right now as to what you guys think of this story so far, so please leave a comment! and thanks for the votes, it means a LOT.

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