Let Me Take Care of You

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“What time are you reaching home?” 

Delivered 2 hours ago but not seen.

Charlotte sighed, slightly disappointed but still understanding. She looked at her chat box with Engfa, a week had passed since their fateful talk, yet the chat box was quite dry as both of them were very busy with their lives. Simple questions like what did you eat for lunch, what are your schedule or how was your day were the most they have exchanged. Engfa had never been a good texter. 

This was them trying their best to reestablish some sort of daily connection with each other, seeing they had been distant for the past few years. While Charlotte believed their feelings for each other still stayed true, their communication still needed a lot of work. She had learnt from her experience that love and feelings are not enough to sustain a long lasting relationship. Two people need to have unbreakable trust and honest communication, as well as effort to spend time together for a relationship to flourish. 

She missed Engfa a lot, yet reaching out to the other busy woman felt so hard when they didn't have to work together.  

“I miss you…” Charlotte typed it out, before deleting it. She was repeating these few steps when she noticed Engfa was online, due to her surprise she just pressed on the send button.


Charlotte's heart started to beat very fast, wondering if she should delete the message to save herself some dignity, yet she was curious on how Engfa would respond. Suddenly her phone rang, Charlotte fumbled with her phone before quickly accepting the video call.

“Hi, nuuu. I've just finished the event.” Engfa’s beautiful face appeared on the screen, she had a tired but happy smile as she saw Charlotte’s surprised face. This was the first time they video called in a very, very long time. The other woman's face was as flushed as when they first appeared on live. 

“Where are you now, Fa?” Charlotte blushed as she shyly said the other woman's name, Engfa's smile widened with her dimples shown.

“I'm on the way home, we've just sent P’Sun back home.” Engfa yawned, it was nearing 12 am. Charlotte's eyes softened with tenderness. “What aren't you sleeping yet, Char?” 

Charlotte bit her lips and decided to be honest, “I was waiting for your reply.” 

Engfa's sleepy eyes widened at her honesty, an apologetic smile tugged on her lips. “I'm sorry, I couldn't get to my phone just now. I called you as soon as I saw your text, did someone miss me?” 

Charlotte blushed and wriggled more comfortably into her bed, surrounded by her blankets up to her neck.

“Of course I did, I haven't seen you in a week.” Charlotte admitted, her eyes were bold even as her cheeks blushed. Engfa's heart warmed, the brunette's honesty was refreshing and very attractive. She was no longer the bashful, awkward girl from their first video call, though Engfa adored that version of Charlotte just as much as the version she witnessed tonight.

“I miss you too, nuu.” Engfa said softly, her cheeks slightly red as well. She bit her lips and thought about her schedule tomorrow. “What are your plans tomorrow?”

“I have a photoshoot at 11 in the morning until 4pm then brand promotion after that.” Charlotte sighed but she couldn't help but notice the glint of nervousness in Engfa's eyes.

“What if…what if I come and see you now? Is that okay?” Engfa said nervously. Charlotte sat up in surprise and excitement.

“For real?” 

“Only if you want, it's quite late already. I just want to see you then I'll go home.”

Charlotte shook her head in excitement, “You can come, please. You can even stay the night.” 

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