Last Night of Vacation

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They chose a semi famous club to unwind themselves, inside there were more foreign tourists than locals as it was a Sunday night. The music was playing a mixture of English and Thai pop, the bass was loud and immediately filled their eardrums with rhythmic vibration. Engfa's hand held tightly around Char's hand as she led her to the VIP area. Thankfully, the club was very dim with well placed neon strips so they won't easily be discovered too soon.

They sat at the bar where the bartender quickly recognized them both, his eyes showed instant recognition but he was a professional and kept his revelation to himself.

"What do you want, baby?" Engfa asked as she ordered herself some whiskey coke.

"Sex On the Beach." Char smirked as she played with Engfa's fingers on her lap.

"That can certainly be arranged." Engfa raised an eyebrow and leaned closer to Char's face. Char's face remained at her spot, refusing to back down.

The bartender dropped his jaw for a quick second as he witnessed Englot flirting in real life. He cleared his throat and turned away to give the two women some privacy as he immediately got started with their orders.

"Khun Austin, you're playing with fire." Engfa husked again, her other hand gripped Char's chair.

"What can I say, I have a thing for hot women."

"Yeah?Anyone you have your eye on now?" Engfa leaned even closer, their lips just a breath away from each other.

"I have, black hair, brown eyes, a beautiful smile, cute dimples..." Charlotte flirted back, her hand twirling Engfa's hair. Suddenly, their moment was interrupted by two glasses of drinks presented to them on the table. The tension was slightly relieved as they thanked the bartender and took a sip.

Charlotte looked at the dance floor, it was pretty full with foreigners grinding and dancing away. Not feeling the vibe just yet, Char figured it would be more fun when they were more tipsy. Sweeping her eyes through the club, she found a pool table at the corner currently unoccupied.

"Wanna play a round of pool, baby?" Char asked her girlfriend who had one arm around her.

"Au? Why not?"

"Let's take a shot before we start." Char challenged, "Then the loser pays the next round. What do you say?"

Engfa's eyes glinted with challenge, the tension between them continued to rise as she quickly got the bartender's reaction. Eyes still on each other, they both took a shot at the same time.

Taking the lead once again, Engfa held her hand as they shuffled through the crowd. Charlotte smiled as Engfa had a tight grip on her hand, as if afraid she would lose her in the crowd. In her eyes, there was only the strong toned back of Engfa and her long black hair as she followed behind her. She knew at that moment, no matter where Engfa led her in the future, she would follow.

At the table, Charlotte arranged the balls with practiced ease while Engfa leaned on the table and watched.

"You seem familiar, nuuu."

Charlotte looked up and smiled, "I used to play with my cousins when I visited their holiday house. I was too competitive to lose so I practiced a lot."

Engfa chuckled as she could imagine her girlfriend's determined face as she practiced playing pool, she took the stick passed by her girlfriend. Honestly, she wasn't very good herself, just some basic skills to be able to socialize with others but she wasn't about to admit it.

"Sounds about right, then please do the opening na."

Charlotte threw her a wink and positioned herself, with determined focus she thrusted the stick at the white ball. The ball propelled forwards at her strength and spreaded the formation perfectly. A solid immediately went in the hole.

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