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"Hello everyone, how is everybody doing? Thank you for coming to my launch on Monday. I love seeing all of you!" Charlotte sat on her living room floor with her phone propped up on the table, she had Phalo in her arms munching on a treat.

Her live was increasing rapidly, now at almost 15k views in just a few minutes. She also had her products lined up in front of the camera, she was promoting them at a flash sale to increase the popularity.

"Yes, I've had lunch already just now. I've had a goodnight rest, my tummy ache is already gone na."

Char interacted with the fast speed comments while applying the skin care products on herself and selling it.

"I'm so sad P'Fa didn't stay longer last time." Char read one of the comments aloud.

"Ooh guys P'Fa also worked until very late, let her go home early some times okay?" Charlotte smiled.

"I was also surprised she came to pick me up, I thought she wouldn't come."

"No, I was not angry at her. I was just surprised to see her." Char replied to some of the sensitive comments, while it was troublesome she knew some of her fans were way too observant of her every move.

Her sales were gradually but slowly increasing around 20 minutes in, suddenly someone sent a castle gift via the TikTok app.

"Ooh!! Thank you for the castle guys! Who sent this?" Charlotte grinned as she looked at the giver and laughed, "Oh it's Fa!"

Her face lit up even more, her eyes had a different kind of stars when she realized her girlfriend was in her live. The comments were bursting with comments and love emojis at Engfa's gift.

"Hi, Teerak. Thank you for the gift hehe." Char grinned, Engfa's comment came like a wind and disappeared in the magnitude of comments.

"I can't read your comment, there's too much and everything is going by too fast." Char said, not 10 minutes later someone gifted another castle. Char's face was surprised before she realized it was from her girlfriend again. She laughed aloud, "Fa, stop it!"

"Aren't you working now? Have you finished work?" Char asked the camera and squinted at the comment for Engfa's username.

"Just finished." Engfa's comment came and went quickly.

"Today Khun Waraha was at Grand House to give a talk to the new trainees." Charlotte explained to her fans, it was not a secret as it was on MGT's Instagram.

2 minutes later, someone sent her a lion.


"Don't call me Khun." Engfa commented.

Charlotte laughed happily, "Sia, stop sending it. It's enough! Khop Khun kha Sia berm." She put two hands together and bowed to the camera.

Then she carried Phalo and showed her to the camera, "Phalo, say thank you to daddy." Charlotte teased happily with blushed tinted cheeks, her views had shot up to 40k with their sweet interaction.

Charlotte looked shy but happy, talking about everything and nothing in her live. Occasionally, she would talk about Engfa but she mostly kept things more discreet as the couple preferred to keep details to themselves.

"That looks like my hoodie by the way." Engfa commented again, Char's blush was ever present but now she showed a cheeky and defiant expression to the camera.

"It was in my house so it's mine now." She stucked out a tongue at the camera and grinned. Char continued to sell her products when someone bought 20 thousand baht worth of TIMELESS in one go. Char screamed in surprise when she received the order.

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