Recharged and Blessed

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Charlotte looked at the woman sleeping in her arms, they had transferred to the bedroom for Engfa to have a good nap. Unable to resist, she took a selfie of Engfa snuggling her face into her neck, half of her body on top of Charlotte.

Engfa's hair half covered her face, her breaths exhaled in soft puffs against Char's neck. Slowly the woman stirred, Charlotte opened her camera setting and recorded themselves. The older woman's eyes fluttered open, a soft smile appeared on her face when she noticed where she was.

"Bee..." Engfa called out, raised her head and saw Charlotte looking down at her with the most tender eyes. They leaned into each other at the same time to share a gentle kiss and smiled as they parted.

"Do you feel better, Teerak?" Charlotte ended the recording and left her phone on the bed, her hand playing with Engfa's hair.

Engfa nodded, her migraine had disappeared and she indeed felt better.

"What do you think of a soft launch, Fa? I think it'll be good for both of us to post something."

Engfa nodded slowly, suddenly remembering her talk with Boss Nawat. Since she had firmly decided to pay for the penalty, she wanted to post something to show him and everyone that EngDela would never happen.

"Boss Nawat is unhappy with us."

"Because of me?" Charlotte asked, slightly unsurprised as over the years she was no longer as close to Papa Nawat as when she first joined.

"Because of us," Engfa shrugged and held Charlotte's hand, "He wants me to fake date Candela, can you believe that?"

Charlotte immediately frowned and sat up, "What? You're her manager, it's scandalous and a bad image to the company!"

Engfa replied seriously, "I know right, it's insane. He said her contract will end in a year and we could date then. All he thinks of is profit, it's like he doesn't even know me."

"I know you." Charlotte kissed the back of her hand, her eyes full of trust. "You're not someone who falls in love easily or fakes a relationship for fame."

Engfa smiled, her heart warmed and reassured by Charlotte's trust in her. Their bond seemed unshakable after each drama they weather through, she had faith they'll get past this as well.

"Now, do you have any idea what our soft launch picture should be?" Engfa asked as she got up as well, judging by the brightness in the room, it was probably evening time.

"Nothing too drastic, just something to show we're in the same space right now to support each other." Charlotte looked around and an idea lit up, "how bout we take a picture of the sunset through my balcony?"

Engfa thought a while and agreed, she initially wanted to post a picture of them holding hands but maybe that's too obvious? She wanted the world to get used to the idea of them reconciling first whether as friends or phi-nong, before announcing they're official.

So, Engfa took an ig story of the sunset from the balcony. She bit her lips and thought of her caption.

She put the song Sweet by Cigarettes after Sex and typed 'Recharged.' Simple and clear enough to everyone that she felt energized and taken care of in Charlotte's presence after her live.

Charlotte also posted a similar image but with a different angle of the sunset, and typed a cheesy caption, "Sunset is more beautiful with you." She giggled by herself, feeling like a high school girl dating her crush.

"Why are you laughing like that baby?" Engfa chuckled as she hugged Charlotte from the back, looking at Char's phone over her shoulder.

"I feel like I'm dating my crush." Charlotte laughed happily and took a few selfies of them together in this pose. The sunset set a beautiful and artistic lighting onto their happy, relaxed faces. Both of them were glowing with an aura of an in love couple. There was a picture with Charlotte smiling at the camera while Engfa was looking sideways at her lovingly, the next one of Engfa kissing her cheeks, and one more where the both of them kissed while smiling. These pictures were kept safely in Charlotte's phone, not ready to share to the world yet.

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