Papa Austin

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Engfa was woken up by her girlfriend in the morning, surprisingly she did not have any hangover as she opened her eyes. She vaguely remembered her girlfriend making her drink lots of water and wiping off her makeup before she drifted asleep.

“Good morning, teerak. It’s time to get up.” Char said lovingly, Engfa rolled closer to cuddle with her girlfriend. She loves cuddling with Charlotte, she was so warm and soft and the perfect fit to her. She felt Char playing with her hair, she hummed, feeling sleepy and relaxed.

“What time is it?” She mumbled.

“8 in the morning, our flight is at 11 bee.”

Engfa yawned and stretched languidly like a cat in bed as Charlotte watched affectionately, “Okay I’ll get up now. Wake up kiss.” Engfa raised her hands and demanded with a pout, Charlotte immediately bent down to kiss her. Engfa’s cheeky hands wrapped around her neck and pulled her back in bed, Charlotte fell with a squeal as the other woman settled on top of her.

“Mmm!” Charlotte squealed as Engfa bent down to kiss her all over her face, she laughed happily. “Enough Fa fa, Enough!”

“Good morning, baby.” Engfa smiled, the two lovers stayed in bed sweetly for another ten minutes talking softly and exchanging gentle kisses before getting up.

At the airport, they wore caps and masks after P’Sun dropped them off and wished them a happy holiday. Charlotte checked them in smoothly, holding Engfa and her passport naturally while Engfa just relaxed, trusting Char to take care of everything. Then, Char put an arm around her shoulder and led her to the waiting area for business class which provided breakfast and more privacy. Fortunately, as their trip was a secret other than their closest friends and family, no fans were there to bother them.

“Have you checked your phone since last night?” Engfa asked as she took a bite of her toast.

“Just a few texts with Marima about Tofu and Phalo, and to my dad about our schedule. Other than that, I didn’t bother looking anywhere.” Charlotte shrugged.

Engfa nodded and looked through her phone messages to see if there was anything urgent. Boss had texted her saying to enjoy her getaway with Char while he’ll do some crowd control. She thanked him sincerely for everything, messaged her family and turned off her phone.

“Are you ready to meet my dad?” Charlotte suddenly switched to English which completely caught Engfa off guard.


“Are you ready to meet Papa Austin?” Charlotte said slower.

“Uh, yes.” Engfa nodded awkwardly. Charlotte smiled kindly with no sense of mocking.

“Speak in full sentences, Fa.” Charlotte said in English and Thai.

“Yes, I am ready to meet him.”

“What will you say to him?” Char asked and waited patiently as Engfa thought in her mind.

“I say, I am Char girlfriend. Nice to meet you, Mr Austin.”

“What if he says, ‘what is your intention with my daughter, Engfa?’” Char asked and imitated her father’s accent.

Engfa’s mouth dropped, the sentence was a little too long for her brain to compute. “Sorry, again?”

Char repeated and translated to thai.

Engfa swallowed, she had to get this right. She straightened her back and put on her serious face. “I always love and protect Charlotte, take care and not hurt her.” The sentence was a little broken but it made Charlotte smile happily regardless.

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