Chapter 6

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Although, Rohit has never been shy around women, he finds himself quite at distress when he's around Poonam. This feeling wasn't there just a few weeks ago, but now he can't hold his nerves when she's around. Nowadays, Rohit is more aware of his growing feelings for Poonam than ever.

It was another bright sunny morning waking up next to her. Rohit's heart always warms up seeing her peacefully asleep by his side. Nothing was cuter than her sleeping face.

Rohit slightly chuckles as he looked at her sleeping like a baby. A few strands of hair scattered around her soft face. Rohit slightly pushed the strands away from over her face. His finger tips tingled as he touched her flesh. He quite didn't want to take his eyes off of her face. But he needed to rush to the lavatory and had to leave the bed.

Poonam woke up to realize she was running late, she had to prepare breakfast for the family members. She stepped up in a hurry and rushed towards the bathroom to freshen up. Fetching herself a fresh change of clothes, she sprinted towards the bathroom and she pushed the door open, unaware that Rohit was already in there.

Before Poonam had the time to process, she was staring at a shirtless Rohit who only had a towel wrapped around his waist. Poonam gasped and turned away immediately.

"I'm soo sorry...!" Poonam mumbled an apology without turning her face towards Rohit. The latter at first was a little startled as he was standing right in front of the door when it suddenly flew open. The shocked look on the face of his wife, that he had seen briefly, was somehow amusing.

"Why are you sorry?" Rohit decided to give her a little tease after he recalled her reaction when he had teased her previously, "You shouldn't feel sorry for seeing your husband shirtless." He leaned closer to his wife who had her back turned at him and whispered in her ear.

Poonam found herself at a loss of words.

Droplets of water dripped down his wet hair and dropped to her shoulder blade, sending a shiver down her spine.

"What... are you..." Before Poonam could spill the words she decided to speak, there was a knock on the door of their room.

"Poonam, Rohit, are you two not awake yet? Rohit, you'll be running late, get up already!!" Rohit's mum called out while knocking on the door.


"Why won't you let the kids chill? They're newlyweds! Give them a break!" Aunty Veera spelled out to Rohit's mother who today decided to be a nag of a mother-in-law.

"So, you mean I should let Poonam stay asleep and do the part of her chores as well!" Mrs Mehra was not done being a nag yet.

"Bhabi...! I'm not saying that. But don't you get it? It has only been a few days of their marriage. Things are still pretty exciting. In this phase, you can't expect them to get up early in the morning after staying up late at night! Now please don't ask me why would they stay up late!"

"Why would I ask you that? Don't I know how things work! However, we'd rather not discuss that part." Mrs Mehra looked a little embarrassed. After a pause she continued, "You know, I used to cook three meals for seven people since the first day of my marriage!"

"Offo! That time was different! Whatever we've been through we shouldn't pass it on to our younger generation." Veera explained politely, "In case, you don't want to work your butt and make the breakfast, let me make breakfast for y'all today."

"Yeah, yeah, anyways, Poonam still has a lot to learn."

"Good morning, Maa. Good morning Veera bua." Poonam entered the kitchen with a bright smile on her face.

"See! Such an obedient girl! She always makes it on time and tries her best even though she hasn't even ever prepped herself a cup of tea." Aunty Veera spoke taking Poonam's side.

"Why would she? After all, her father raised her like a princess! Anyways! Veera, you said you're making the breakfast, so do that. Poonam, you come with me, I need to talk to you."

Taking Poonam to her room, Mrs Mehra fished out a bunch of keys from a drawer then handed them away to Poonam, "Had it not been for consulting that heart specialist for Rohit's father, I would never leave the two of you home alone by yourselves for weeks! These are the house keys, keep them and use them in time of need. You won't have much to do while I'm away. Chandu will take care of the cleaning and laundry. I have already given her the instructions, still, you will need to monitor her work." After a small pause she continued, "Now, I know that you can't cook many things but hopefully you've learnt the basics around the last few weeks. Rohit doesn't like to eat the food prepared by the maid, so cook something light instead of ordering takeouts all the time."

"Yes... Um... There would be no problems."

"Give me a call if you need to ask anything. Oh, or should I just ask your mother to come over and stay for a few days? We're not sure but we might need to stay there for a few weeks. I think, I should ask your mother to come over."

"You probably forgot, mummy's not in the town. She went to see my uncle in Mumbai."

"Oh, it slipped out of my mind." Mrs Mehra again paused for a while, "Anyways, Veera's also leaving tonight, so it'll be just you and Rohit. Take care of yourselves and don't fight with each other. Don't let Rohit eat takeouts all the while I'm away. And ring me a call if he bothers you too much. Although, I know my son is not like that but you can tell me if he misbehaves with you in any way, alright?" Although Mrs Mehra tried to look like a nag she wasn't that bad after all.

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