Chapter 11

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His thumb grazed her lips. Poonam shivered in his embrace. She looked at him again only to realize it was impossible for her to resist this, to resist Rohit.

This was supposed to happen. They were supposed to feel this way. They were supposed to feel attracted to each other. And it's happening now. Poonam could feel a tickling sensation inside her stomach. She wasn't going to resist when she knows she doesn't have it in her to resist. She wants it as much as Rohit does.

His face was so close to hers that their noses touched. Rohit was just a centimetre apart from taking her lips when the alarm clock went off.

Startled, Poonam and Rohit pulled away from each other. This time they did not feel awkward. Poonam sprinted out of the room with a flushed face. She smiled boisterously as the scene replayed behind her closed eyelids, holding her hand over her chest trying to calm her racing heart.

Rohit smiled. His hand brushed through his hair. It was indeed a lovely start of the morning.


After a few days, the elderlies of the Mehra household returned home. Poonam and Rohit warmly received them. The elderlies noticed that the couple has grown more fond of each other these days. They were glad that the couple did not pick on fights in their absence and in fact, they appeared much more comfortable around each other.

Poonam has naturally started to render to Rohit in his daily chores. Although, he was always used to eating lavish food, when Poonam made him a simple egg and toast he ate with a smile on his face and even thanked her for making him breakfast. The elderlies were happy to see them get along well.

A few days later, Rohit's father called for his son and told him that he rented a car and booked a room at a hotel in Shimla to send his only son and daughter-in-law for their pending honeymoon trip. He felt guilty as they had to cancel their trip before because of his deteriorating health.

However, Rohit who did not like to drive long routes wanted to complain but instead he spoke in a subtle tone, "Papa, we could just take the bus—"

"What rubbish! I will not allow my only daughter-in-law to travel by bus!" Rohit's father chided, "And you, young man, When are you going to get a job? You should keep in mind that she is your responsibility now. You must provide her and your future children a comfortable life and it is time you start preparing for it. I will not be there all the time to look after you. When will you learn to take your responsibilities seriously?"

"Papa, I'm trying... I will get a job soon." Rohit wanted to ask his father to book them a taxi instead of a rental car. That way he wouldn't have to drive. But after the little scolding, he decided otherwise. His father was already providing for him and his wife, he couldn't keep taking advantage of it. He has to wear his responsibilities on his shoulders and learn to drive his own car no matter how long the route is.


Even though, Poonam was bored in the room among all those middle-aged conservative ladies, she sat quietly beside her mother-in-law wearing a polite smile. She didn't like to be judged, no young woman does. But these women, they would judge her even for moving her toe a little too often, or for sitting in a non-elegant posture. However, Rohit's mother was content with Poonam's behaviour. The latter prepared tea and served snacks to the guests without having to ask for it. Poonam was truly very well-behaved.

"You know, Mrs Mehra, this is just the perfect age for your son and daughter-in-law to have a child. See, my daughter-in-law is already pregnant for two months. When are you giving the good news, Poonam?" Asked one of the elderly ladies who claimed herself to be a friend of older Mrs Mehra.

"Oh, it has barely been two months of their marriage. They have plenty of time to have kids." Said another lady among the friends of Mrs Mehra. The latter looked at her and smiled.

Poonam felt slightly uneasy with the topic of the conversation. She didn't want to have babies already and she knew Rohit thought the same.

"Tell us, Poonam, have you and Rohit tried for a baby yet?" Asked the same lady who triggered the conversation.

Poonam felt embarrassed. How was she supposed to say it in front of her mother-in-law that she and her husband haven't yet performed the ritual as she was not ready for it? It was typically not acceptable in a conservative society like theirs for a woman to say no to her husband for sex. Even her mother had warned her against it. However, Poonam felt she needed time and luckily Rohit was a considerate man to understand and respect her feelings. But will her mother-in-law do the same? With this thought, Poonam looked up at her mother-in-law, her face giving away her discomfort.

"Mind you, Shalini, my daughter-in-law is not obliged to answer that question of yours." Said Mrs Mehra taking Poonam by shock. The latter thanked the mother-in-law through her eyes.

"I was just trying to be helpful. They're still new to all this and being senior to them, it is our duty to guide them through. Com'on Poonam, you can think of me as your mother-in-law and tell me if you're facing a problem getting intimate—"

"Well, Shalini, I think you have forgotten that I'm her mother-in-law and I too can counsel my son and daughter-in-law or take them to a doctor if needed. I don't need you to tell my daughter-in-law what to do and what to not." Poonam thanked her stars that she didn't have to reveal much about her bedroom life while there was nothing to reveal at all.

Luckily, her mother-in-law realized that the neighbourhood lady was just being meddlesome so that she could have something to go around and gossip about.

"You know, back in our time, after I got married I was carrying Rohit in my tummy before I knew it." Mrs Mehra started on the topic while she and Poonam prepped for dinner after the guests left their premises.

"Maa, I..."

"I know, you and Rohit have not been... intimate yet." Poonam was taken by surprise, "I have seen enough to be able to tell." She read the surprise in her face and answered her confusion. Poonam looked down feeling embarrassed. The mother-in-law put a comforting hand on her shoulder, "What I'm saying is that back at that time, I did not get to take any time before I was ready. Lucky for you, you married my son. However, I don't disagree with the idea of you and Rohit trying for kids. The sooner the better. You know, men truly become mature when they become fathers. When a man holds his child in his arms for the first time, that is when he truly gains the sense of responsibility."

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