Chapter 9

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Rohit gave away a pained look, "Oh my god...! Poonam...!" He scrunched his nose as if what he ate was really bad, "This is really good for a first try!" His expressions changed swiftly into a pleased look.

"Really...?" Poonam scratched her forehead.

"Don't believe me? Try it yourself." Poonam sceptically grabbed herself one of those weird shaped parathas, and ate a little morsel of that. She inwardly thanked her stars that it didn't taste very bad, in fact, it tasted alright, "Poonam, I won't be able to get home at lunch time, so no need to make lunch for me, you can just order something up for yourself and no need to cook dinner as well; I'm taking you out on a date!" Rohit winked.


Poonam couldn't stop biting her nails as she tried to select an outfit for the night. This was going to be her first date ever. Not that she was never asked out by guys in college. There were many admirers and thus many asked her out throughout highschool and college. Not that Poonam was never interested in a guy. There were guys she liked too. Was she bold enough to go against the norms of being an obedient good girl, she would be having a boyfriend and probable pursuing a post-grad degree. Poonam has always been too obedient for her own good.

Not like she's doing bad for being obedient either. Her in-laws are good to her. She's living well. Her husband is caring and... And he's very very charming! And he's taking her out on a date! There are things Poonam don't like about Rohit but those flaws can be overlooked. Poonam is not flawless herself. This is how marriages work, right? Two people accepting all the flaws of one another and then loving each other immensely for the rest of their lives.

Redness spread across her cheeks, to think of it. For the rest of their lives... it is going to be herself and Rohit. They are married to each other, they are partners for not only this life but for the next 7 lives they're going to have. Maybe they are soulmates! Were they not, would they be married? No way!

It happened because it was fated to happen.

Poonam, like every other young woman, had a million expectations and wished she would live happily with her husband and family.

After rummaging through all her clothes, Poonam decided on a yellow saree. It was in fact one that Rohit bought her as a gift when she cooked her first meal in his house after their wedding. It was a bright yellow saree. The colour complemented her pale skin. Her womanly curves always appeare alluring even when she modestly drapes herself in a saree. A woman the sarees are made for!

When Poonam appeared before Rohit, he had a hard time taking his eyes off of her. Ever since they got married, he finds it quite difficult to not look at her whenever she's adorned in a saree. Her beautiful smile never fails to enhance her charm.

"Shall we?" Rohit, like a gentleman, forwarded his arm at her. Poonam, not before flashing a shy smile, gently placed her palm on the nook of his arm.

The night sky looked ethereal with the stars blinking from outside the atmosphere of earth. Poonam breathed in the slightly chill air, it felt good even though Poonam never liked winters. Everything was pleasant in company of Rohit.

"What are you thinking?" Said Rohit giving a slight squeeze to her hand that she rested of the table.

"This place is beautiful!" Poonam awed.

"Wait till you try the food. This is my favourite place."



They joked, they laughed, they held hands in between. Rohit liked tucking her hair every now and then. He was just looking for an excuse to touch her face. Her skin as always soft. They briefly met eyes ever-so-often. Rohit told Poonam stories about his childhood and Poonam laughed heartily when he mentioned his little mischievous acts.

"I bet, when we will have kids they would be just as naughty as I used to be!" Poonam looked at him with shyness in her eyes as he bluntly mentioned having kids with her.

"Why should the kids turn out like you? Why not like me?" Poonam asked with crooked smile on her lips.

"Arey yaar! Look at you, you're so quiet and shy. Have you ever seen a kid like that? Moreover, I'm gonna be their father so they will turn out like me!" Rohit said with a proud look.

"What do you mean? Is being shy and quiet a bad thing?! And... You don't even know me...!" Poonam whined.

"Oh, is it?" Rohit raised his eyebrows.

"Yup..." Her voice trailed. The smile on her lips teasing him.

"I'm getting curious!" Rohit exclaimed.

"You should be!" Their eyes locked precisely. The mischief glinting in her eyes was intriguing.

"What about you? Aren't you curious about me?"

"What do I not know about you? Your mother filled me in on even the smallest thing about you." Poonam let out a silent sigh. His mother has indeed not failed to educate his wife about him before she left to see the doctor with her husband. Poonam practically knew everything about Rohit. His likes-dislikes, his good and bad habits, his allergies and everything else Poonam needed to know, Rohit's mum had her make a list.

"Still...! There are things you must not know."

"Well then, tell me what I need to know. I will put all of it on that list."

Rohit smirked, "There are things you must not put on a list. You know? The deepest, darkest of my secrets! I will only tell you if you can keep it to yourself." Rohit leaned closer and spoke in a whispery voice.

"Deepest, darkest secrets, huh?" Poonam arched an eyebrow. She didn't fail to catch on the mischief in his eyes as well.

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