Chapter 12

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Poonam looked fresh and elated as they drove to their destination. She always liked long drives. Although, she never got many chances to go for one. Her family isn't very conservative but the society is. And they feared the society's judgement which is why there were always limitations. Poonam and her siblings were still raised very affectionately. Whereas, Poonam being the eldest daughter, it was never in her to be disobedient or disoriented.

The drive was smooth. As much as Rohit didn't like to drive, he was glad to have some privacy as his beautiful wife turned things a lot more cozy than it was ought to. Her fragrance enveloped the surroundings. She even sang him a song. They had stopped a few times to grab snacks, click photos and to use the washroom. The weather was good. It was quite setting up the ambiance for a romantic night.

By the time they occupied their hotel room, it was past dinner time. Rohit and Poonam took turns using the bathroom and freshened up. Poonam considered taking a short bath as she felt she needed to clean up after such a long drive. They had a light dinner and with no energy left the couple decided to call it a night.

However, the night was not going to end on a dull note.

The walls were painted a dusty shade of off-white. The room had a big chandelier hanging in the middle. The decor was vintage themed. They also had a gramophone placed at the left most corner of the room right beside a little sitting arrangement with two seater sofa and a coffee table before it. Right behind the sofa were the french style windows giving a nice view of the surroundings. The theme of the room gave of a dusty bored vibe but the little scented candles on the coffee table and the bedstand were quite setting up a nice ambience.

Poonam and Rohit settled on the bed. They exchanged a content look and then both laid down in their respective sides of the bed. They were tired from the journey but somehow all the sleep that only a few seconds ago was hanging on their eyelids was now gone. It was something unusual. They hadn't felt this way even the first time they shared a bed; so nervous! They were not this nervous even when they were left alone by themselves for many nights. Then, why was it making them feel so conscious after all these days of sharing the same closeness.

Rohit twisted to his other side only to see Poonam do the same and turn at him at the same time. Both laid on their sides facing each other. The air was filled with the unspoken tension. Rohit instinctively slid a little close towards his wife. It was as if her body was pulling him towards her. Poonam's heart skipped a beat when she met eyes with him. His eyes were blazing. She caught on the hint. Even Poonam wanted the same.

So, tonight is going to be the night!


The morning was a foggy one. In Shimla, the weather was more chilly. Poonam was never fond of chilly weather but she liked the warmth she felt around herself. Two strong arms wrapped tightly around her. She tried to move but Rohit was holding her very tightly. Poonam smiled and snuggled onto his naked chest. Rohit slowly opened his eyes. When he saw his wife in his arms, he felt shy. Her bare arms exposed to the chill air while the comforter was pulled over till her chest. He could still feel her beneath the comforter. His heart and mind rushed.

"Good morning~" when she looked at him and smiled, he felt the urge to kiss her lips. Their bodies still clinging to each other. Her warm skin, her sweet scent, her beautiful lips everything about her tempted him.

Rohit has never imagined having a woman in his life would be so blissful. He have always heard his friend bitch around about their nagging wives but this was nothing like what he heard from his friends and older cousins. This was lovely! Almost like a dream but in true senses, a dream come true!

Poonam slightly hit his shoulder, "I just wished you morning!" Rohit was brought back to the real world.

"I was thinking how should I wish you back." He said and then leaned closer and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. Surprisingly, Poonam wasn't startled as if she was anticipating it, "I guess, this should do?"

Poonam chuckled. Shyness spread across her cheeks as she recalled their last night's encounter.


There were a lot of teasing, flirting and blushing throughout the day as they went sightseeing. The town was beautiful and was a place you'd like to revisit again and again. But it was not possible to see the whole town within a day. Luckily, Rohit and Poonam had a few days. However, when Poonam was planning to go out and see more of the town Rohit had the plan to make the most of the time with her.

When they went back to the room Rohit took a bath and decided to step out only wearing a towel around his waist. Poonam had not yet changed her clothes. She had only taken off her cardigan and was now only wearing a turtle-neck top. She looked cute and instantly Rohit's mind was diverted.

"Poonam, I had to tell you something..." Rohit spoke as he went on to grab himself a shirt.

"Haan bolo?" Poonam responded.

Throwing the shirt in his hand to a side, Rohit went and stood by her side, "I forgot to tell you that... last night... you were hot!" He whispered to her. His comment made her cheeks heat up immediately.

She opened her mouth to say something when Rohit pecked her lips. They stared at each other for a brief minute before Rohit took her lips again and the room once again heated up.

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