15. Zeroing In

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Graham moved behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and snuggling to my back. "Driving from Burnaby, Kingsway's the natural route downtown – or to almost anywhere else in the northern half of Vancouver."

I melted into his embrace. "Yeah, just jumpy. Overreacting."

"No, not over. A normal response after what you've been through."

"Ummm. You're good at that. At accepting. At calming me."

He gave me a gentle squeeze. "Finish carving and plating while I call Daryl."

After Graham had poked at his phone, he set it on the counter as Daryl answered, "Decided it wise to check the scanner before I left the house. The van's now heading north on Victoria."

"Yes, that'll save you a trip."

Daryl chuckled. "No, it'll take me on a longer one. See where he goes and what he does."

"Why not watch his movements from home?"

"Better I take Quiang and a logger with me. See if he stops somewhere convenient for me to plant it."

"You're dedicated."

"More like thrilled to be out again and on a chase."

"Okay. Be safe. Keep me updated."

"Thank you, I will."

When Graham clicked off, I breathed a sigh of relief. "Not coming here."

"No, you can relax."

"Ummm." I turned and spread my arms, tilting my head up for a kiss.

When our lips parted, I said, "I'd be a shuddering wreck without you here."

"Ah, but without me, you wouldn't have known he's out, so there'd be no reason to be afraid."

"Hmmm, true – philosophically. But the fact is that I do know, and every reminder of him rattles me. And now even more, thinking about him having stalked me for so long."

Graham gave me a reassuring squeeze. "We're zeroing in on him, Marissa, and until he's locked up again, I'll protect you."

"Ummm. And after?"

"After what?"

"After he's been nabbed."

"He won't be allowed bail – we'll find far more than enough evidence that he's broken his parole conditions, so it'll be a quick process to send him back to prison."

"And after that? Will you still protect me?"

"From what?"

I snuggled into him, looked up and pouted. "From being lonely."

When our lips again parted, I chuckled. "I assume that means yes."

He nodded. "It does. So, how do we organise this?"

"We don't. We simply allow it to evolve. Look where it has already brought us."

"Hmmm. Winging it is new to me, so I'll let you guide us."

"It needs no guiding, Graham." I chuckled and pointed to the Wafer's Folly Syrah. "Except to tell you to pour the wine while I finish plating."

A long while later, after enjoying the venison, we sat sipping the syrah with a cheese board when Graham's phone chimed. He picked it up, thumbed in and turned it for me to read.

Van stopped five minutes ago
49.25741 123.06540
Heading there now

Then, rising from the table, he said, "I'll get my computer. What's your wifi?"

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