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During the following days, Graham moved his toothbrush, electric razor and other essential toiletries to Marissa's bathroom, and his small wardrobe of casual clothes in her dressing room continued to expand.

Rawlstead was transferred from the City jail to the Federal prison in Matsqui to resume his life sentence, this time with no eligibility for parole.

With information supplied by Daryl, police linked the missing Raymond Wilson to a mutilated body recovered by their divers from an overturned canoe in Trout Lake. An autopsy confirmed the identification, and with Rawlstead's parolee ID card found in the pockets, murder was added to the list of pending charges.

A search of Court and Provincial records found no evidence that Norman and Kerensa had divorced, so fraud was added to their long list of charges. The damages settlement was reopened.

After a few commutes, Graham accepted Marissa's suggestion that it would be easier to work from her West Eight home than from his Yaletown offices.

At Graham's urging, Marissa decided to defend her dissertation and finally become a doctor of veterinary medicine.

They both agreed to ignore contraception, and as part of the post-harvest celebrations at her parents' Naramata winery, they wed.

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Total story words – 20,336

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